Author Topic: 3 hours awake, throwing off EASY  (Read 1182 times)

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Offline jekholm14

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3 hours awake, throwing off EASY
« on: November 21, 2005, 23:06:40 pm »
Hi, I don't know if any of you have experienced this problem- or if it really is a problem at all.
Anyway, here it is.  DS used to do a perfect 4 hour easy with no catnap and a 7pm bedtime.  Then at around 6 months he shortened his afternoon nap to 40mins.  The am one was still 2 hours and I love that, so don't want to shorten his naps.  Now at 7 months he will not stay down long if I put him down around 9:30 for his am nap, he needs to be up a full 3 hours before he will take a long nap.  So, he's been staying up longer, but if I don't nurse him before he goes for a nap that means it's been 5 hours since his last liquid feeding.  I found if I do this he is up more at night seemingly hungry.  So, I've gone back to nursing him before his nap.  Sometimes he falls alseep, sometimes not, so I know he is not using the breast as a prop.  It is too early to drop a feed isn't it?
Here's our latest routine, just to clarify:

7 am up and feed
8 solids 4tbps cereal, 2fruit
10 nurse/ nap
12 nurse, usually won't take it or much
12 solids 1tbsp meat 3veggies 1 fruit
3 nurse and nap
4/4:30 solids 4tbsp cereal, 2 veg 2 fruit
6:30/7 bath, 6oz bottle and bed

Any suggestions?

Offline Meg's Mom

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3 hours awake, throwing off EASY
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2005, 21:53:01 pm »

IMO - The nursing before a nap is only a problem if you are feeding to sleep.  I topped up my LO before naps at one point and got myself into pickle then had to re-train her w/o it.  She was passing thur the sleep stages during the feed instead of in her crib then started taking 45min naps & i now wonder if this is why she is soo attached to her bottle at 15mos! - won't take milk out of sip cup only water.

You say he is falling asleep sometimes - if you made sure it was no times, then you won't have to worry about problems in the near future.

Have you looked in the EASY forum to see what other moms are doing at this age, that should give you a good idea about number of feeds and timing of it all - cuz i can't remember :? .

If you would like further clarification, i can move this post to the EASY forum and those lovely ladies can try to give you some ideas.

I'll check back.

Offline jekholm14

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3 hours awake, throwing off EASY
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2005, 03:33:23 am »
I didn't know there was an EASY forum, must've missed it- i will look there or move this one, thanks.

Offline Meg's Mom

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3 hours awake, throwing off EASY
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2005, 06:22:14 am »
You are welcome, i have moved the post for you  :wink: .

Don't hesitate to post if you need further support.