Hi, I don't know if any of you have experienced this problem- or if it really is a problem at all.
Anyway, here it is. DS used to do a perfect 4 hour easy with no catnap and a 7pm bedtime. Then at around 6 months he shortened his afternoon nap to 40mins. The am one was still 2 hours and I love that, so don't want to shorten his naps. Now at 7 months he will not stay down long if I put him down around 9:30 for his am nap, he needs to be up a full 3 hours before he will take a long nap. So, he's been staying up longer, but if I don't nurse him before he goes for a nap that means it's been 5 hours since his last liquid feeding. I found if I do this he is up more at night seemingly hungry. So, I've gone back to nursing him before his nap. Sometimes he falls alseep, sometimes not, so I know he is not using the breast as a prop. It is too early to drop a feed isn't it?
Here's our latest routine, just to clarify:
7 am up and feed
8 solids 4tbps cereal, 2fruit
10 nurse/ nap
12 nurse, usually won't take it or much
12 solids 1tbsp meat 3veggies 1 fruit
3 nurse and nap
4/4:30 solids 4tbsp cereal, 2 veg 2 fruit
6:30/7 bath, 6oz bottle and bed
Any suggestions?