I have a 7.5mth old who is on 4 x milk feeds and 3 x solids a day. Over the last 2 weeks, our days have started at around 5-5:30am. while I would prefer this to be later, he is sleeping through the night, so I cannot complain. My question is what sort of daily routine is everyone using wheb starting the day so early? He doesn't seem to like to drink as soon as he wakes up, so our routine is sort of like this:
5:30am has been awake since 5am and plays
6am: feed
7am: breakfast
8:15-8:30am - nap
10am: bottle
12pm: lunch
1pm: nap
2pm: bottle
5pm: dinner
5;30pm: bath
6:30pm: bottle
7pm: bed
sometimes bed is 6:30pm if naps haven't worked out as such. I am also wondering if I can somehow (not sure how :? ) to bring bottles in line with breakfast, lunch and dinner. Does this routine sound okay, it just seems like he is eating/drinking every 2hrs and I wonder if this is why he doesn't always drink all of his bottle.
Also, should I be doing set nap times ie. 9am and 1pm regardless of what time he is awake? Currently I doing how long he is awake from him waking up eg, he usually is awake for about 3hrs, so if he wakes at 5am, I put him down at 8am. Would I be better off keeping him up till 9 or should i put him down>
Any suggestions would be great.
Lisa mum to James my textbook/spirited koala bear