Hey everybody!
My little Mackenzie is 15 weeks old and still taking 4 naps per day. Here's our basic routine:
7:30 - E, then A
9:15 - S
11:00 - E, then A
12:45 - S
2:15 - E, then A
4:00 - S
5:30 - E, then A
7:15 - S (catnap)
8:00 - A
8:30 - E, then bath
9:30 - bedtime
I dropped the dream feed when I realized she would wake up at the same time in the morning regardless of whether her last feeding was at 8:30pm or 11:00pm. I am a much happier mommy now that I'm getting to bed a little earlier.
I would like to help her transition to having only 2 long naps and one catnap. I think she can handle having longer awake times, and I often have to wake her from her nap so that she can eat, so I think she can probably sleep for 2 hours at a time. But I worry that if I switch to a 4 hour EASY, she won't get enough to eat and she'll start waking up during the night again.
I'd really rather not have to re-implement the dream feed, for the sake of my being able to get more sleep at night. Has anyone had a similar situation, and what did you do?
Thanks for any advice you have!