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Offline sophieandhannah

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March/April Thread #3
« Reply #1080 on: December 28, 2005, 04:57:28 am »
Hey ladies.  I have enjoyed reading everyones' family get together stories.  My sure puts everything in perspective doesn't it? 
Andrea I am so impressed that you kept taylor up for the festivities....I felt really bad at MILs because dinner kept getting pushed later and later etc so Sophie was getting pretty crabby.  This was after our night out chirstmas eve so I thought I would just put her down. ended up that I was putting her down during dinner!  Ugh.  I felt like such an idiot...not because I wasn't doing the right thng for her but I don't know I just felt like I should have kept her up for everyone else...MIL is so wonderful to us and here I am putting her grandchild to bed before dinner (or presents!) on Christmas...I guess just chalk it up to poor planning.  You know? I mean they know what time she goes to bed...but there were extenuating circumstances...a prime rib that wasn't done...Brendan still had not arrived from his mom's etc etc.  The worst part was dh though.  He was really not supportive.  In fact later I said something like "I am sorry I had to out her down..." and he said "well you didn't HAVE to"  WTF?!  Where has he been the last 8 months??? 
So, determined not to take any sh!t these days I said "Well, you didn't HAVE to have a nap today, nor did you HAVE to eat dinner when you were hungry.  ANd, you don't HAVE to go to sleep tonight when you are tired. "  I just get so frustrated sometimes with him.
ANother rant...yesterday we are sitting in the living room playing with Sophie...actually I am plying he is moping on the couch.  So he turns on the tv...mind you this is the SAME GUY who almost started crying the other night because he doesn't get to spend enough time with his daughter...well she's right HERE you idiot!  Spend some time with her!  So I say "Honey, if you really have to watch tv right now I'll take Sophie in the other room to play"  He mopes...and turns it off, then stews for a few minutes and finally says something like "we are going to have to figure out this whole tv thing"...I'm thinking you mean like when we decided together the other night not to watch tv with her in the agreed willingly...or maybe not?!  SO anyhow it's just annoying.  I just so badly want to be supportive but at the same time I feel the need to call Bull Sh!t on so many of the things he says. ARgh. Grrrrrrrrrrr.
I just kind of feel like christmas basically s ucked this year because he was such a little black cloud.
And then...I feel guilty because I gave him socks and underwear as two of his three presents...well...he didn't even want to gove presents to each other this year WTF?!  I hate sh!t like that.  I mean really.
OK, one more rant and then I have to unpack my groceries :)
So yesterday he lies down with me and Sophie while I am reading to her and after I put her down I go back in to lay down next to him.  She was having trouble settling so I was staying nearby to listen/help if needed.  Anyhow, he just flops his hand over on my boob!  And I'm thinking...nice...reaaaaallllll romnatic buddy.  I mean really what's going through his head...maybe if I just grab her boob she'll wanta do me?  Come on!  It's like those losers that yell "Hey baby" out of there car driving past you on the street...oooo what a turn on...the only problem is....I am married to this one, I can't just give him the finger and keep walking.
SO today I was sitting at the computer and he does the boob grab thing again so I say "You know, boobs are second have to pass first before you can get there" and he says "Not when you are married!"  I ask you again W T F ????!!!!
Am I married to the biggest loser or what?!  I really know I'm not...he's just had a few pretty bad days.  But still.  I mean really.  CIGAW?  (I saw that acronym on the board and just about peed my's Can I Get A Witness  :lol:
OK, this is way too long.  thanks, as always for listening/reading.  If you have read this far.  Thank you!
Richelle....I think I need you to pour me a tall glass of the bubbly babe. 
*sigh of relief* it's's on "paper" I feel a little lighter.

Offline Taylor's Mommy

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March/April Thread #3
« Reply #1081 on: December 28, 2005, 05:47:18 am »
Hannah, I will be your witness girl!!!!  Sooo many times dh pulls the same thing with the grabbing and saying, I want to have sex.  And I say, do you think that is all you have to do to have sex?  Simply say you want it?!?!?!  Wouldn't life be easy if everything worked that way?   :lol:   Loved your comment about 2nd base!  ROTFLMAO!

Judy and Nikki-thanks so much for confirming what I had pretty much already thought.  And yes, she was so putting up a fuss with him to try and look tough, but really there was no need.  I feel kind of lucky actually to have 3 different siblings/in-laws to model parenting styles (or not model  :roll: ) being that I have 2 nephews and 1 niece all age 19-22 months.  I get to see what works and what doesn't and get a lot of good tips just by observation.

Michelle, thanks for noticing T's new avatar!  Molly looks so stinking cute I could just kiss her!  She looks like a little queen sitting under the tree surrounded by all her loot!  Mason is growing into a handsome young man isn't he?  There is something about her smile that kind of reminds me of T actually-have always thought that.   :)

Bec-SIL sounds like a nut job!  don't pay any attention to her for your own sanity!  WTF about the aunt trying to put Halle down for a nap?!?  some people!  jeez  :x

So quick  :?:  how do your dh's react when your lo's get hurt?  I know I am not supposed to overreact as they feed a lot off of our reactions.  But if she fell (which happens a lot now that she is so mobile), and is really hurting, I feel a cuddle and kiss are absolutely necessary.  DH just picks her up and says "you're okay and totally tries to distract her by being goofy.  I finally told him yesterday that if she is hurt then we should acknowledge it and not ignore it.  do you know what I mean?  what do you all think?  to react or not to react, that is the question!   :lol:
Taylor-Textbook Baby
DOB 04/19/05

Sydney-too soon to tell, but looking EASY
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March/April Thread #3
« Reply #1082 on: December 28, 2005, 06:36:09 am »
Andrea, yes I agree if she's hurt you need to acknowledge that and not brush off her feelings about it or tell her that she's ok when she's obviously not (in other words you'd be telling her to feel ok and ignoring her feelings) - definitely stand back and observe first as to whether she thinks she's ok or not though.  I think your DH is on the right track, but maybe provide him with some dialogue like "Hey Taylor, that hurt when you bumped your head didn't it?  Here, let me kiss you better, is that better?  Shall we go and have a look at your xx"  If she doesn't want to be distracted at that point I wouldn't push it, but I would just quietly hold her but not go over the top with "you poor thing".  I've been scanning the books to find the bit where Tracy mentions about responses and maybe you could get your dh to read it if you find it - perhaps it's in the Toddler book.  I posted an article in the Socialisation and Discipline forum a few weeks back about letting children cry - the article was mostly talking about tantrums, but it's also relevant for babies and just letting them cry (while you hold them) if that's what they want to do, it's a release for them.  I'm sure he just feels the need to fix his baby girl and hates to see her hurt and crying, I think his is a natural response and not actually being purposefully disrespectful to her feelings.

Hannah, my DH also took a bit of convincing to not have the TV on automatically when Nathan was a baby, he'd also complain about not getting to see him enough, then go an zone out with Nathan on the floor.  He's fine with no having the telly on these days though. 

Michelle, Danielle absolutely loved her wrapping paper too!

Nothing new going on here for us today, oh Karen, Danielle scoffed up her congee (I had chicken, courgette, carrot and kumara in it with some ginger for flavour) - Nathan was a bit more hesitant but did eventually eat it.

Offline Richelle

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March/April Thread #3
« Reply #1083 on: December 28, 2005, 13:22:09 pm »
Hannah - ohhh DH's, they are clueless sometimes aren't they.  I have said to DH before that I am not a lamp - turned on by the flip of a switch.  As for TV, we seem to usually have the TV on.  Sophie doesn't seem to care about it - she used to watch it, now only if BE is on - even then she doesn't have the interest she once did.  I am unsure about the TV debate, I sorta think that if it is on won't be something exciting or different to do later.  I don't know - I haven;t really thought it out too much I guess.  Are you hoping that SOphie won;t be a telly addict if you don;t have it on?  As for the bubbly you know what they say about "champagne going in, sewage coming out" - well I didn;t have the pleasantest of boxing days -sorry TMI!

Nikki - Do you never have the TVon? 

How about everyone else?

Traci - hope you had a great time at the movies!

Becc - I can't believe that someone tried to put Halle down for a nap AND tried to feed her chocolate with nuts  :shock: !  One of the parties we stopped by on Christmas I hovered over Sophie and DH told me to relax but I knew these people were the type to do whatever they felt like with Sophie and sure enough no sooner had I said it did I find someone handing Sophie a piece of chocolate!  As for SIL - I think that if it is going to help your brother you should talk to him about it but if he is already miserable and knows what a nutbar she is, it may just make him feel worse of you confirm what he already knows?  The same thing happened with my brother and his ex - she was a nightmare but I kept quiet ( with him but she was fair game with the rest of my family  :wink: ) I knew that it would only make him feel bad, KWIM?

Michelle - Molly is such a doll!  Sophie as well was all about the boxes and paper and bows! 

Andrea - Wow I just said to DH yesterday, 'please don;t tell Sophie she is OK when she isn;t.'  He didn;t realize he was even saying it, he just wanted to comfort her, which is sweet.  He is very much a 'man's man' IYKWIM and I am worried sometimes that he will be a 'tough guy' with Sophie, but it is jst the opposite.  Yesterday she pulled herself up on her toy chest and leaned back and fell right over and whacked her head, well I have never her cry so hard, I think mostly from being scared and DH agreed wholeheartedly that of course we shouldn't try and tell her she is OK when she is not, phew!  When she has her other 'fall's' it is just a matter of hanging back and waiting for her reaction - which is sooo hard sometimes!!  The new Avatar is gorgeous!!

Judy - I called Sophie boob head yeaterday  :shock:  after I got off here - I hope you are happy!  :lol:

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March/April Thread #3
« Reply #1084 on: December 28, 2005, 15:56:05 pm »
Quote from: Sophiesma
Judy - I called Sophie boob head yeaterday  :shock:  after I got off here - I hope you are happy!  :lol:


Ok let's see: 

TV - we rarely have the tv on for OUR stuff if the girls are awake and if we do it would be the cooking network or something without scarry commercials and mouthy people.  As your kids get older and start repeating everything they hear it seems easier to make the decision to keep the tv off.  But every child is different.  Zoe has an ear for details :)  Even when I have the radio on - I listen to talk radio (only for about 30min a day because it's about all the 'extra' noise I can take ;)) anyway, she hears it all and will say "oh, they said "Bill", daddy has a friend named Bill, he's a fireman"  "oh they said "cloudy day" that's silly"  she doesn't get the 'conversation but definitely hears many of the words.  So now, we let them watch more tv than we used to but it's only their shows like Dora or Blue's Clues.  Mostly they watch their tapes and dvds.  It's hard to avoid with Sarah as she is very determined - I've unplugged the tv, she plugged it back in :), I changed the channel so the vcr didn't come through, she just kept at it till she was back at channel 3 :),  the only success I have is putting the videos on the fridge - but Zoe can climb the counter and reach the fridge :roll:   In the end though I feel that an hour is A LOT so they rarely get more than that.  But if they manage to work around me and sneak a tape and get it in and working I let them have half of it - I don't want to fight with them over something they really want for themselves and is basically harmless.  I look at it like this - two options, 1. tell them no, take it away, make them mad and sad, they yell at me and cry and carry on.  basically a yucky environment or 2. they get 30 min of tv.  I give in to the tv - this is usually if I am nursing and I am not able to do something else with them.  If I'm not nursing or otherwise busy with something I can't or prefer not to stop then I try to engage them in something we all want to do instead.

As for hurts.  We too try to let them decide the level of hurt and tears involved.  It is hard because their cries get louder and louder as they age it seems and there are times I'm shhhhhing them because I don't want Kaia and Hannah woken up. :( Not so fair to the one who got hurt though.  DH tends to make a BIG deal out of hurts and this causes them (Z especially) to get more upset and panick a bit.  I remember Zoe once dropped a full jar of pickles on her toe outa the fridge and broke the nail off.  It was a big bad ouchie.  But for days dh would ask to look at it and ask if it was still really sore and everytime it made her cry about it when she'd otherwise forgotten :roll:  He's very odd about it... for example.  Sarah once was jumping on her bed (a no no here as the window is level with the bed and within a half a foot of her bed) and she fell and landed with her cheek RIGHT below her eye on the corner of her footboard and he went on and on at me about how he was going to saw off the footboard so it was level with the bed - blah blah blah blah blah.  While I said they needed to learn that jumping on the bed was not a good idea (not saying they should get hurt to learn it, but pointing out that she wasn't supposed to be doing it anyway so if they stopped there shouldn't be cause for future concern).  BUT he took the gate off the top of our stairs the other day and I pointed out that they run circles around the house and our top landing is only 2ft square and they run right through this area - if the trip or bump each other someone will go flying down the stairs and he says "they'll learn"  ok - with what a broken neck?  I think he just likes to be the decision maker :P  But mama bear rules ;)

ok what else?  Andrea - yes, lovely new avatar of Taylor.

Poor Kaia is having a hard time pooping.  She pushes and pushes with so much effort and CRIES :( so hard and then there's barely a dime sized pasty poop in the diaper :( :(  All she eats is cereal??  And it's not rice?  I did give her some applesauce the other night and Hannah didn't want any so Kaia got a big serving, happily :)  Must be it.  :(  So she's been fed a lot of prunes today. Eeek - watch out!  She was awake 4 or 5 times last night.  Just needed one pu/pd but I think her tummy was sore.  Had to check her diaper a few times, once with a tiny poop and the others smelled bad but I think I came in just after a toot :oops:  poor baby!

Offline sophieandhannah

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March/April Thread #3
« Reply #1085 on: December 28, 2005, 17:16:38 pm »
Good morning all.  Thanks for responding to my madness. 

Andrea, I agree nice Avatar.  Thanks for the light switch comment, I'll have to use that one.  Also, dh tries the distraction thing a lot with Sophie and I have to remind him that it's ok for her to be sad until she's done....I'm with Nikki and Judy and everyone else...good advice on the hurts.

Richelle....I guess I really don't know what I am worried about with the whole tv thing.  I have heard so much about tv under the age of two being linked to add and adhd in children...but I know some of these "studies" are probably less then certain. But I guess I just still worry that it's just too much information for her little developing brain.  All of the light flashing and sounds.  And the thing is that she is soooo interested in it.  We have a pretty small place and a medium sized tv, but when the tv is on it's really hard to escape YKWIM?  Maybe if I had it on more she would loose interest.  I think we need to find a way to put it up a little higher so it's not right at her level (standing level).  When BE is on she has taken to trying to pull herself up on the tv table...because well, you know, BE is just so much better when you are two cm away from the screen right?  So we have put two ottomans in front of the tv table and now she likes to stand at the ottomans to she's about oh I don't know, a foot and a half away from the screen now
 :roll:   Anyhow.  I am so glad that you don't care about having the tv on.  It makes me feel better. Sometimes I think I am a little highstrung about these things (ya think?) and dh and I and Sophie would all be happier if mom would just chill.  Thanks for helping me chill.  :D old is Mason?  He must be close to Brendan's age.  Do he and Molly have different dads?  Curious to know more because of our "mixed" family situation with Brendan.  Of course that whole deal has it's own set of ups and downs.
Judy...Hope Kaia poops soon.  :lol: We say at our house "Poopin' ain't easy"....don't know if anyone will get that...remember (this is sooo awful) that rap song..."Pimpin' ain't easy"?  Well we're not big rap fans but that one just seems so appropriate :lol:
Bec...I can't believe someone else tried to put Halle down... and the whole chocolate/nuts/feeding someone else's reminds me of a time when friends used to think it would be funny to give beer (or blow a certain type of smoke) their dogs/cats not funny(to me anyway)
Okey dokey.  Gotta go hang with the B-man.  Dh back to work today Sophie sleeping so it's just me and Mr. B. 
I'll check in later.
PS...Boob-head LOL


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March/April Thread #3
« Reply #1086 on: December 28, 2005, 17:58:30 pm »
Morning Girls!

Richelle, no I don't have the telly on during the day at all (I used to until Nathan was 6mths old and then he'd watch morning kids tv only until he was around 12mths old), but come 4pm and I put a DVD on for Nathan for an hour and often Danielle will be in the room too now that she doesn't have a catnap - it's usually a Baby Einstein one since they're pretty slow moving etc and unobnoxious, and also like Judy, I think too much "noise" tends to get to me eventually, so I like the music (I do have the radio on all day though unless Nathan is putting on one of his nursery rhyme CD's) and he also learnt most of his shapes and colours one of them.  The other day I had the TV on after the movie finished and we were watching it and an ad for Narnia movie came on and it was pretty scary - the big lion leaping at the screen etc, he wakes enough during the night without having that sort of image as well, he knows when something's scary.  DH tends to put on Shrek for him in the weekends which I think is a bit scary in parts...they also watch windsurfing DVDs.  I found he started playing with his toys so much better when I turned the tv off during the day, he was getting bored and not very imaginative and quite whiny.

Besides, I tend to have the computer on during the day, so I don't feel the need for the TV anymore, I'd rather be here.

Judy, hope Kaia's pooping has improved.


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March/April Thread #3
« Reply #1087 on: December 28, 2005, 18:34:13 pm »
I'm back...

Hannah wrote
Quote (selected)
Maybe if I had it on more she would loose interest.

So I was thinking about this while I just had my shower (you know when you're addicted to BW when.... :wink: ) and I don't think this would be the case.  Think of those kids and adults out there who are couch potatoes, the more they watch TV doesn't seem to get it out of their system (and me and DH watch TV (well I multitask with my laptop) for hours night after night with no desire to do anything else).  I think to a degree they do block it out, but I found Nathan didn't really get into his toy playing to the same level because his train of thought was always being interrupted, so he was more mooching around rather than having active play.

OK, off to get kids dressed.

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March/April Thread #3
« Reply #1088 on: December 28, 2005, 22:39:16 pm »
NIkki - that makes sense about active play.  The only time I ever really watch TV is in the evening so maybe I will give it a try.  I usually put the disney channel on in the morning but she only ever pays attention when there is music.  God knows I don't want to warp her brain, well in a bad way  :wink: , goodness knows she has to be a bit warped to be our youngin'! 

By the way....where the heck is everyone?????????

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March/April Thread #3
« Reply #1089 on: December 28, 2005, 22:51:12 pm »
HI all,
Have I missed all of you! Have just caught up and should have taken notes. The memory is shot so here goes....
TV-Ahhh I have a huge thing about TV and hate it with a passion unless House or the Gilmore Girls is on. :wink: Anyway, cannot stand it for the noise so we never have it on. Sam mainly plays in the kitchen or downstairs so he is not even in the same room. He does not even watch BE at this stage. That is just me,my dad is a TV addict and we used to have to talk over the top of it which I used to hate!!!! When Sam is older and understands more, I will probably only have Kid's TV on.
LOL at the light switch comment! Will have to file that one away for future use!
Andrea, the new Avatar-let me at those cheeks :D
Michelle and Bec, loved the Christmas dresses on the girls!
I treated myself to Annabel Karmel's new baby and toddler cookbook and am inspired. Made some vege pasta sauce yesterday which was really yummy!!
Nikki, glad you liked the rice porridge! I adore it as does Sam and he could eat it all day everyday. The possibilities are endless. The other day, I grated some corn into it and added some chicken-like chicken and corn soup! Oh I have mixed it with a hardboiled egg yolk and also flaked some steamed fish (terakihi) into get the picture.
Judy, did the prunes work?
Oh and Sam gets hurt a lot!! He is climbing everthing and pulls stuff off tables and loses his balance. I also just wait for a response and if he needs a cuddle, he gets one. Thanks Nikki on the tip on helping him vocalise his feelings.
Anyway, here is a family Christmas pic...

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March/April Thread #3
« Reply #1090 on: December 28, 2005, 23:12:53 pm »
Hi Everyone,

Hannah - funny about the light switch comment! I think my DH has given up even asking LOL. That is not funny really :lol:  :lol: This could be TMI but still having trouble with that area due to having sooo many stitches. I really must get back to the Women's Health Nurse to see what can be done about it............mmmmm one day LOL

Judy -hope Kaia's poops get better. Halle is STILL having trouble with hers. What I think happend was she got constipated and it really hurt her to poo. So now she holds it in. When she finally goes it hurts, so we just go around in a circle.  :( 

TV - I don't put it on through the day but I love to watch a few shows (Third Watch is my fave at the moment!!) I put a DVD on for Halle some afternoons if it's too hot to walk down to the horses. She has one called Baby Bright 2 which she loves. It goes for about 30mins and she will watch the whole thing while lying back on a pillow sucking on a sippy of cold water LOL. Gives me time to prepare tea (dinner) or fold washing. I got her a BE one for Christmas but she is not interested in it at all. DH loves to watch the news and I am trying to get him out of the habit of watching TV while we are eating tea  :evil:  When I lived at home we all had to sit down to meals together (I lived with my grandparents, mum, uncle, aunt and my brother) at the time I thought that was so boring but now I want us to do it LOL.

Karen - great family pic! If you don't mind me saying you DH is a good sort!! Is he Maori? My DH wont let me go to NZ because her reckons I will run off with a hot Maori guy LOL  :lol:  (JK) Well they are yummy LOL

Would you mind posting that rice recipe? - sounds good


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March/April Thread #3
« Reply #1091 on: December 29, 2005, 00:07:52 am »
Bec, Halle looks so comfy with that big pillow and her water :)

Wonderful family photo Karen!! :)

Poop - nope no better.  In fact Kaia just had another pushing/crying/screaming/turning beat red episode as I was reading here. :(  Still nothing more than a rabbit size poop coming out.  But I have a homeopathic remedy from my girlfriend that she used on her daughter when this same thing happened.  It only took a couple doses to work and we've got one in already and another before bed so here's to hoping!!!  It's a tissue salt remedy so what it does is help the body to soften the stool that is in there already, enough for it to come out more easily.  The prunes are doing nothing.  Golly though I'm not sure what the issue is - applesauce?  I already gave up on banana for her.  I did recently give them mulitgrain cereal - maybe the extra fibre was too much since they aren't taking in a whole lot of water yet?    Oh poor thing she's come off eating and trying again.  It's so sad makes me want to cry right along with her.

So we're a relatively quiet bunch... I suspect there's a lot of dhs home between Christmas and New Year? ;)


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March/April Thread #3
« Reply #1092 on: December 29, 2005, 00:25:13 am »
Sending poopy vibes to Kaia and Halle!  I have heard that prunes and things work, but mostly only once the blockage is gone which is maybe why she's still working on it Judy.   :cry:  Hopefully that tissue salt works.

Bec, my fav programme (where I actually do turn off the laptop for) at the moment is Without A Trace but it finishs next week.  I used to watch McLeods Daughters (in fact you and your DH look like you'd fit right into that set - can imagine you both riding horses around your station.  :lol:  Which BE did you buy?

Karen, yes the possibilities are endless with the rice, I think it would be a great way to do fish when I get around to it.  Do you add any other flavourings?  Love the family pic.

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March/April Thread #3
« Reply #1093 on: December 29, 2005, 01:40:21 am »
*phew* I'm all caught up.  Should have taken notes.

I did one quote
Quote (selected)
I have said to DH before that I am not a lamp - turned on by the flip of a switch
Brilliant Richelle!

hannah-my DH does the same darn thing with the grabbing.  stupid men.  of course, he hasn't tried in a while because I'm still working on about 4 hours sleep at night.  more on that in a bit.

Karen-love the pic.

Bec-sorry to hear Halle is still having trouble with her poop.  And I totally forgot to mention if I haven't already that there is no way you should be going after any maori guys because your DH is smokin' hot!
Like everyone else said-totally screwy about people putting Halle down for naps and feeding her chocolate.  a store clerk offered Cole a candy cane the other day :roll:

Andrea and Michelle-my gosh your girls are stunning.  love love love the rosey red cheeks on both!

Andrea-DH and I are on board with the "see how he is first" stragegy when it comes to hurts.  We are big on distraction as MOST of the time it's just a scare.  He does get lots of hugs and kisses from us though if it's a real hurt.

TV-i have it on in the mornings for my favourite show.  so it's on one hour or two if I am watching last weeks repeat as well :D Usually do one BE video each day...but DH usually beats me to it in the early morning hours.  and yes hannah-cole loves to stand at the tv and watch. I'm constantly pulling him away so now we have cuddle time on the couch and he sits on my lap and we watch it together.

Judy-oooooh, you're making me cry too...poor little thing.  It much hurt so bad.  Fortunately even when Cole's poops are hard he still manages to get them out okay.  think he's had upset tummy lately too though as some of his poops are soft and sour.  yuck!

sooo, we saw Narnia last night.  Really enjoyed it.  Decided to stay home and do bedtime with Cole.  Didn't want to be rushed getting home etc.  Told MIL what to do if he got up and cried.  PD then hand on hip (YES, I am still a hostage, going to work on that in the next couple of days).
Anyway, as we were driving I said to DH, hmmm, I forgot to tell her to leave him if he mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmms (did that twice the night before and didn't need help).  Anyway, he woke twice I guess but all he did was mmmmmmmmmmmmm.  She went in a put her hand on him but she said he didn't budge, didn't hold her hand or anything.  So YAY-Cole slept the whole time.
Then BOOOOOOOOOOOO!  I went to bed at midnight and he woke when?  12:20!  up til 1:20, then up 3:30-5:15, then 6am for a few minutes, then slept til 7:20 :roll: . I would much rather just have him go all night and get up at 5:30 for crying out loud.  Anyway, we have a party to go to tomorrow night then I am doing full on PUPD, I *&()&^^%* hand holding.  I am soooooooooooo sick of this sleep S.H.*.T.  seriously.  I want to sleep ONE full night before we try to TTC.
Anyway, I know it's all my fault.  His top tooth still isn't in so I'm feeling sorry for him all the time.  Poor thing, it's really red and swollen today so it had BETTER come in!  Oh, and if I didn't mention Monday night he was up every TWO hours after going 3 days without catnap. :roll:  :roll:  :roll:

i haven't moved my pc, but that's not the darn issue.  My connection is crap during the day and I'm not sure why.  so frustrating to come up with coffee and toast and not be able to get on :cry:

anyway, gotta go do some freaking laundry. might pop into chat. not sure i want to unless any of you girls will be there?
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<img src="" alt="Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker" border="0"  />

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March/April Thread #3
« Reply #1094 on: December 29, 2005, 01:44:17 am »
Traci I might pop on for a minute or two but I'll likely be a little late maybe about a half hour or so.