Oh labour/delivery:
#1 - went to hospital at 3cm dialated (1 day overdue), nurse said they would likely send me home and I said there was NO WAY I was getting in a vehicle and driving anywhere. Zoe was born 4hrs later after 30min of pushing. I went from 5cm-10cm in an hour. Nurse came in (dh and I were alone) and heard me making weird sounds (painful!!) and said "is she pushing?" to which dh and I said "Huh?". She checked me and sure enough I was fully dialated and Zoe was on her way so she ran out saying "get her on her side and keep her legs closed" and we were alone again :shock: An OB came in (not mine at this time) and said "Hi I'm Dr. Soandso, is there anything about your medical history I need to know?" and I looked at him and said "well, I'm pregnant!"
Then my OB came in on his way home and I told him he couldn't leave until I was done... he claimed that his shift was over and the hospital had 'rules' etc. I informed him I worked for the hospital - in Human Resources - and I doubted it would be a problem. Then within 20min she was out.
I remember he kept saying to me "your rounding the curve, your rounding the curve" with each push, cheering me on. After about the second push I stopped and said to him "I think you need a shorter curve! This one's taking too long!"
OH oh oh!! I know this was long and it's just #1 BUT the BEST BEST BEST part of all my deliveries... once Zoe's head and shoulders were out... my ob let me pull her out the rest of the way.
#2 - again 1 day overdue
, went to the hospital at 7cm+ dialated and asked right away for the epidural (no time first time around). Nurse tried to convince me that since I had done so well getting to 7 that most the work was done and I prolly didn't need it. I said I wanted it anyway.
So I was already 10cm when they gave it to me but the nurse and I didn't tell the epidural dude this (else he would have refused). At this point they laid me flat and I COULD resist the urge to push, water hadn't broke so they let me lie there for a couple hours. Then DH got mad and wanted to know why we were waiting and they said "no reason" so he said 'well we came here to have a baby not hang out!' I was in no pain so I didn't much care. My waters were coming out in a big buldge when I pushed and there was a student nurse in a chair resting her chin on her hand on the end of my bed (YES while I lay nake waist down :roll:) and I finally said to her "you should you want to be sitting that close when that bursts?" she got up... they had to break it anyway and I think about 40min of pushing and Sarah was out.
#3 - I was induced at 38weeks. I hated being induced, really stressed me out knowing ahead of time that today was the day. In fact I'd been in for an appt 4days before and was fine but by now my bloodpressure was too high. They started the drip which did nothing! They kept turning it up, still nothing. My ob came in at 1pm and they broke my water and he said "ok so we'll have babies by supper time" and I said "I was kinda hoping for 2pm" he laughed at me and said 'that might be a bit ambitious" so I said "ok then, 2.30pm" we chuckled and he left. Well 20min later I told the nurse I needed the epidural right away. She told the epidural dude who said he'd be along.. NO see 'be along' is not fast enough. So she rushed him and I told noone that I had the urge to push WHILE he was doing it. So as soon as he was done she told me to lie back down "in a minute" why in a minute "cuz the babies are coming now". She said "oh they are not." "wanna bet?" so she checks me and then hollers "Everyone to the back NOW!" (I had to be moved to surgical just in case) So I had to NOT push while they wisked me away - SO hard. Then scooch to a new bed VERY hard. Then finally I can push - ONE push and Kaia was out. They check on Hannah who is now head down so I can push again. One push and she's almost out. My OB says "ok push like you really mean it this time" to which I said (always the smarta$$ I am) "what? Was I kidding before?!" and out she came. Honestly - my EASIEST delivery. They were 6 min apart and born at.... 2.26pm and 2.32pm
Just as we were getting settled to deliver and my OB rushed in I said to him "hey, how am I doing for time?"
No horrible tearing with any of them - 2 stitches at most I think. No stretch marks with any of them (I'm very long waisted!!). My SIL recently delivered her 5th baby and had the most awful time I've heard of so I realize how very VERY fortunate I was.. but all that said... there still we be NO MORE BABIES FOR ME!!!!