hey girls, tis only me. I will make this quick as dh nearl always gets home with the kids as I do this.
I think Ri is having some issues with me working, I say this as bedtime is becoming harder to do, she will not go down unless she has a feed and then snuggles. So I think I am going to try a leter bedtime for her, Jay is fine as he goes down well at night, but I nedd to do something as the first thing Ri does is lay down for a bf, even when I am carrying her into the house.
Hannah, glad to know work is going well.
Poops, well, Ri's are not too bad, but I cannot wait for Jay to be trained, I can't handle his poops for much longer...ewwwww!!!!...nuff said on that.
Traci, you can get marmite in the cooking section at the grocery store, it is considered a cooking product where it has yeastin it, and yes as nikki said, it is an aquired taste.
I realised this afternoon that I have got a fantastic job, about 3pm this afternoon, I was listening in on calls, to see how things worked out in "the real world" and not the classroom, anyhew, someone said it was fun friday, as I was enquiring about it, I see a cart LOADED with beer and coolers, no joke.....so there I was having a beer at work. And to top it off they said we could have more than 1....OMG....OMG.....OMG.....never has a beer tasted soooo good.
K....ladies I am off, I will see you all for our "date" tonight.