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March/April Thread #3
« Reply #690 on: December 15, 2005, 15:12:47 pm »
Kate - see if I invite you to my sleepover now, you probably won't have time with all your new friends  :wink:

Judy/Nikki - thanks for the discipline comments - never watched Supernanny here, but I have watched Nanny 911 and while I don't agree with all of it, I've always liked the fact that they advocate acknowledging the kids' feelings and giving them a voice too - and they get people to stop yelling and hitting which is always nice too. 

Naomi - good to see you!  What a crazy time of year to be starting a new job!

Ankie - You are me these days!  I have cooked dinner approximately once in the past week, my house was a wreck (I did get a chance to do some cleaning), and I too have been snuggling and just watching Katie these days.  Katie, however, is more of a 7:30-7:30 girl (must be the time difference).  Though I have been getting a bit more sleep - hope that sorts out soon. 

Katie is playing peek-a-boo with me.  She just crawled behind the door frame and keeps sticking her head behind it and then sticking it out and laughing hysterically at me.  SO CUTE!

So, last night DH was in the city (New York City) at a business thing, and the trains got all screwed up and he was stuck in a station about a 25 minute drive from our house with NO means of getting home at 11 PM.  So I packed up Katie in the car (it was 13 degrees out at the time!) and drove to get DH and she slept the whole way there, the whole way back, fell back to sleep with minimal fussing when we got home, and slept through (for only the second time in the past few weeks!).  So, for all of you having sleep problems, pack your LOs into the car at 11, drive around for 45 minutes, come home, and put them in their cribs for the night.   :D

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March/April Thread #3
« Reply #691 on: December 15, 2005, 15:25:39 pm »

OMG, is all I have to say about the last 2 days, more on that later.....

Traci - I am so sad and disappointed that you and I didn't get to hav a 'live' chat.  You will understand once I elaborate on my 'trip'.  I too was wondering when you would become a SUPERMOD, what a great addition to the BW site!!  You have the patience of a saint, i would have mailed Sophie to realtives already if she was keeping me up for the last 3 weeks and it sounds to me that you are on the right track and know what Cole needs.  Keep up the good work!!

Judy - How can how you feel on the inside possibly make you feel guilty, you are only human and I tell you, I have never encountered such a well balanced mom/woman!   Your girls are so lucky to have such a fun mommy!! 

Micky - I can't wait to hear about Jack's reaction once he gets those casts off how exciting!!!  I got your card and it is great I can'[t believe you made them, "Martha"!!

Ankie - It is so great to hear that Arwyn is cutting you some slack! I secong whomever said.. "50 PEOPLE?  What in the h#%^?".

Hannah -  :cry:  about Sophie's fall but she is a tough nut and I told my DH, who doesn;t seem to think Sophie is capable of flipping off the change table :roll: , now he is being more vigilent, lessons learned for everyone I suppose.

Kate - What great pictures and  :o  about your ped saying 'normal'?

Andrea - Such great advice everyone has giving you regarding TAKING IT EASY!!   You have alot on the go but I don't think anyone expects you to be a super woman!!

Speaking of overwhelmed that is the only way I can describe how I am feeling right now.

First off, Sophie and I woke up to fly out on Tuesday morning with COLDS!!  I honestly couldn' t believe it.  I was late getting to the airport in Saskatoon for getting Sophie some medicine but forgot to get myself some, BIGMISTAKE!!  Oh and we flew out in the beginnings of a blizzard, so driving to the airport was a nightmare.  Trying to check in Sophie has the poo of all poo's  :shock:  :roll: , miss "only goes once a day after lunch", I couldn't believe it.  The flight is not too bad for Sophie but myt head near exploded, I felt terrible!

We get to Toronto and it is soooo busy, it took me an hour and a half to get my luggage and get to the exit.  Sophie was at this point past supper, hungry and tired but we waited for the (*&#E^T*# airport shuttle for 45 minutes (every 15 minutes my ass!)  Finally got in a 20 minute line for a taxi (20 bucks for 5 minute drive) later we get tp the hotel and the shuttle pulls in behind us, $^@%$^%!(O@*&*(!@*&@)(!*#^$%@^!(*!!

So, Traci - by the time we checked in I fed SOphie gave her a bath/bottle/medicine andtried to get her to sleep with her snuffly nose she couldn;t suck her fingers and settle!  By the the time I get her to sleep I am stuck in a dark hotel room with not alot of options, namely talking on the phone, watching TV, eating ect...  Plus I felt so terrible.  We managed a very fitful sleep and then see above story re. trying to get to the Toronto airport but this time on my own and in blizzarding conditoins??  flight delayed blah blah.

So I get home to a different home  :cry:  that is in complete chaos, boxes and  everywhere!  I swear I could have clocked DH but at least her crib was put together *insert sarcastic emtiocon*. 

Sophie and I feel better today but she is still Mrs. Boogers-Sneezerton and I just don't know where to begin with this house much less getting is Christmasized!!  You know you are addicted to BW when you manage to get your laptop up and running and are typing away admist the CHAOS!!

Enough for now!!  Thanks for listening!!

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Offline Colesmom

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March/April Thread #3
« Reply #692 on: December 15, 2005, 15:28:01 pm »
Quote (selected)
She is usually a mess by 5:30 as we have no catnap here
I am reintroducing the catnap for a while in hopes to solve coles sleep issues.  First time yesterday.  I can't say it worked 100% but he slept well from 7-10:15 pm with only one waking at 7:45.  I can't expect him to go back to normal after one catnap. Just wondering if the same might help Arwyn?  As a result of the timing Cole went to bed at 7 last night. I think it will take a few days for me to tweak his A times again.

Micky-LOVE the pic.  First Santa pic with his casts :oops:

Naomi-happy to see you here-sorry about your trouble with Ri.  It will take time to adjust.  How is the new caregiver?

well girls-we had wakings again.  after what i said to ankie above he woke at 12:30, 2 something, 3:45-4:45 (fed at 4:20), 5:45, fed again expecting to be up for the day but he kept sleeping :? back down in crib but then woke up, fed other side, back down in crib but then woke up at 6:15.  Gave him to DH, told him nap 8:45. DH gets me up at 8:00 because he has to shower. I notice Cole yawn and think hmmm, guess he was up at 5:45 and race to the crib doing a VERY fast "you are my sunshine, my only sunshine" plop him down and he slept 1.5 hours!!! I'm just hoping I can still squeeze in the catnap. Think I can.  One thing I didn't miss with two naps was "nap math" trying to figure how to fit it all in.

I have to admit i did a lot of patting last night.  probably why i was up so long.  should have just done pupd but he was chewing on his hand and seemed uncomfortable.  i even tried to hold him to sleep :oops: but he wasn't interested.  kept squirming around

okay, cole was just super quiet and i thought, wow he's playing by himself well.  I looked down and he's chewing on an electric plug cover :?   told DH they weren't hard enough to put in!

This morning he started doing something a bit worrisome.  He keeps dropping his head, as if to bang it.  He's only banged it so far on my head :?

ooh, gotta go, up the stairs he goes!
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Offline Colesmom

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March/April Thread #3
« Reply #693 on: December 15, 2005, 15:30:53 pm »
and Lisa-not TMI by the way.  we've discussed this before here.  It's okay in my opinion anyway.  My DH has just given up asking :oops:  but that's because I insist on condomns and he doesn't want to wear one.
I think he's waiting as he knows TTC is likely in the new year.

sorry to hear your good day went bad :cry:
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March/April Thread #3
« Reply #694 on: December 15, 2005, 16:12:51 pm »
[quote="Sophiesma"Judy - How can how you feel on the inside possibly make you feel guilty, you are only human and I tell you, I have never encountered such a well balanced mom/woman!   Your girls are so lucky to have such a fun mommy!!  [/quote]

Balanced?  Me?  Gosh did you gals miss reading about the time *everyone* here was either crying or screaming at me?  I sat here in my chair with my feet up on the wall the older girls down the hall screaming at me... I'm thinking 'ugh, I'd like to kick that wall.  Probably not a good idea.  Hmmm but I'd REALLY like to kick that wall.'  and... well :oops: I did.  Put a nice little hole in it then once Zoe discovered it she kept telling me over and over how she didn't like it there. :roll:  Then when dh came home he asked Zoe if mommy did it by accident and she says "no it was on purpose" to which he proceeds to tell her to tell me that that is unacceptable blah blah blah...  So I TRY to be balanced and fun but I have my moments when I feel like my head might pop.  Trying to minimize these moments.  So there you have it... :)

As for that travel experience oh my!  What a mess.  I'd be crabby coming home to a disordered house for sure.  Being in a cluttered space bothers me but even more so if someone else has cluttered my stuff. 

Ok so K&H woke at 5am (well they seemed to need repositioning a couple times earlier than that too - but a simple roll back to tummy was all that was needed.  Why if they do it themselves prior to midnight does it require ME at 3am???)  They weren't so interested in going back to sleep.  Ugh - I wasn't so impressed at all.  I HATE early morning wakeups.  AND the older two are being woken by them and then they are overtired and it makes for a tough long day.  Anyway, I fed at 5.30am ish, tried to get them back down.  At 6am I sent dh in.  At 7am he just got up with them.  :)  I got up and fed them breakfast at 8am and put them back to bed exhausted at 8.45am.  Then they slept until I opened their door so they'd hear the noise at 10.45am!!!!  So that's bf at 5.30 and now at 11am!!  Yikes... could they not have just added on some to their night sleep?  I'm giving up on keeping them on 4hrly... they've been doing a 5hr stretch at least once a day so now I'm just making sure we do 4bf and I don't care when they are.  And I'm finding if they can be up for 3hrs or so they sleep much better and much longer.  I had a 2.5hr nap the other day!  (or THEY had)

Cathy we're supposed to get that big storm too.. had some flurries this am but nothing huge yet?  In fact it's barely snowing here now.  I heard that north of me though they were getting a ton, and I believe you are somewhat south of us as well as west...  Hmmm?

Micky - I love that Santa pic.  Nice chair Santa's got too!

Traci - TTC in the new year eh?  Woo hooo ;) 

Not me :)

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March/April Thread #3
« Reply #695 on: December 15, 2005, 16:34:39 pm »
Quote (selected)
they've been doing a 5hr stretch at least once a day so now I'm just making sure we do 4bf and I don't care when they are.
- us too (well, except we do 2 bfs and 2 bottles).

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March/April Thread #3
« Reply #696 on: December 15, 2005, 17:12:56 pm »
Dh just called me ( and disrupted my nap  :roll: ) to tell me that on the way to Ohio they got in a huge car accident  :shock:  :( .  He said that everyone was basically okay and that they were back in Detroit.  I am glad that they are back home but the guy who was driving totally wrecked his car.  DH said his neck is really stiff but otherwise ok.  Unfortunately they have to go back again tomorrow :(   Hopefully this weather clears up or I'm not going to let him go ...  It's kinda weird because as I was putting Carter in his crib for his nap at 10:00  I said "Let's pray that Daddy gets there safely!" and guess what time the car accident happened???  :shock:  :shock:

Anyway, know that my heart rate has lowered itself from the roof I'd better get on with my day (you know, shower, get dressed ... all that tough  :roll:  stuff!!!)

Traci:  My Dh is the same as yours, he keeps asking "so when are we going to have another baby?  How 'bout NOW!"  I keep telling him to wait until Mar/Apr!!  Hopefully I will be back at work for like 2 weeks and get pregnant again ... that'll really make my boss mad!!  Then I can quit at Christmas time (as I will have enough hours for mat leave again!)  I can always dream!!!

Richelle:  I am sorry that your trip home turned out to be such a mess!  You both got colds  and had to deal with Toronto traffic ... could it get any worse??!!

Ankie:  Just got your card in the mail!  Love the pic of Arwyn and Santa!!!
Cathy - Mama to:
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March/April Thread #3
« Reply #697 on: December 15, 2005, 17:26:58 pm »
Cathy-Hugs to you and DH.  How scary! And we're TTCg so that I'll be preggo by the time I go back.  I would LOVE to have next Christmas off work as year end is always H*LL around there.

Richelle-Double hugs to you and Sophie.  Part of me was VERY worried to tell the truth.  Another part thought you might just be having a rough time with the snow and stuff. I certainly wasn't going to come on here and tell the girls I was worried and have 20 or more worried woman across the globe :shock:  Happy you arrived safe, if not a little worse for wear.

Judy-please please cut yourself some slack.  You are certainly entitled to a little frustration now and then. And yes, in a perfect world you wouldn't have kicked in the wall in front of the kids, but I mean really :shock:  I think we can all say we are happy to have you as a "mommy mentor" and that you'll be around for us as our los grow up to show us the ropes!

well, Cole just went down for nap two after only 2.5 A again :shock:  I think he is recovering from some serious sleep deprivation.  He got all quiet and clingy.  I was going to put him down at 2.75-3 A, but saw what was happening and again RUSHED him to the crib and voila, one PD and hand on bum and he was out.  I THINK I may have been holding him too long before.  I always thought his yawn was the beginning of his window, now I think it's the END :shock:  And he may have been going through the cycle of sleep in my arms, even though he didn't look like he was.

okay, gotta go shower.  Off to Ikea and maybe Costco if time.  gotta get sorted for this party on saturday.  *sigh*

And by the way girls, moderator is a voluntary position, but thanks for the "congrats".  I suppose they wouldn't allow any old hack to join :wink:
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March/April Thread #3
« Reply #698 on: December 15, 2005, 17:42:34 pm »
Hello (stifled yawn, stretch)

Cathy... {{{{Hugs}}}} to you. How scary to hear that. I am so glad your DH is okay.

Richelle... UGH! Hate traffic myself. I hate it even more on vacation. Can't wait until we can "apparate" as in Harry Potter. (Just finished re-reading books 4-6).

Judy... kicked a hole in the wall, huh? Good for you, I bet you felt better! :lol: DH broke his hand punching the wall when I was PG and all hormonal. I was having a meltdown over him not getting me a Valentine's Day card. He turned around and punched our plaster walls. The wall won.

Traci... actually, instead of re-introducing the catnap as I feel she doesn't need it, I am trying to move each of the naps back about 30 m. Ideally, I want her to sleep at 9:30, not 9 and at 1:30, not 1. Then I get about another 30 minutes out of her at the end of the day. I don't know if it works this way. I know that once, she woke at 3:15 and was still squirming to get to bedtime routine at 5:30 so???? I'll give it a try... it is hard to move the AM nap though because she gets up so friggin' early and she can only make it until 9 am.

Our night was fine until 10:25 pm! Woken up by the stupid chirping "I would like to have them for supper" birds at 7:14 pm. DH put her back down. Then, no wakings until 10:25 pm. I fed her and then proceeded to try to put her back down.  :roll: We put her back down 5 times... now 12:10 am... sheesh. Each time we managed to get her asleep, she would wake again. Anyhow, I was so tired at the 3:40 waking that I fed her AND fell asleep. Poop! I was doing so well... anyhow, she woke at 6:15 am and DH took her.

Here is the rant/rave part about DH this morning.  :D Got her up, changed her.  :evil: Forgot she needed to be breastfed at 7 am.  :D Did all the dishes.  :evil: Didn't offer her any solids (nor did he prepare any).  :D Let me sleep until 7:40!  :evil: Threw off her entire day because of no BF at 7... which leads to sleepy BFing at 7:40 am and refusal of solids at 8 am. I love my DH dearly and he is really a wonderful father BUT... how long have I been feeding her at 7 am?

He did make me laugh before dashing off to work though, when I asked him what he remembers of her schedule. He said, "When she wakes up in the morning, I take her and change her. Then she follows me around in the walker until I get ready for work. Then I give her to you. At 9, she naps. Then she gets up and does whatever. At 1, she naps. Then she does whatever until her bath at 5:30." He gestures with his hands and grins like mad while saying "does whatever".  :lol: At least he knew the nap times?  :roll:

Waiting for the mail!!!

See you all tomorrow... hopefully I will be able to drop in to the chat. We have a Christmas party to go to every night this weekend, Fri. Sat. Sun.. I am not looking forward to my knackered daughter each of those nights but it couldn't possibly be worse than it is now, could it???? Did I just jinx myself? :roll:
Burnaby, B.C. Canada

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March/April Thread #3
« Reply #699 on: December 15, 2005, 18:08:42 pm »
Morning folks!  I love nap #1 ritual of catching up and throwing in my 2 cents on this board.  I'm ignoring the fact that I have a xmas party @ my Moms Group in 45 mins and not dressed yet.

Kate - Great advice.  It is wonderful to get another perspective on the situation.  I wouldn't of considered addressing it pre trip.  so much better than gettin rialed up in anticipation.  Got your card yesterday too. I'm loving the pics!

Nikki/Judy - thanks for the forum links.   I've read some of your posts on Unconditional Parenting and there are some interesting stuff  that I want to check out.  My next class in my ECE program is on Guideance and Discipline.  Looks like I'll be on this site until Sols in school.  Do you think they'll come up with a Teenage Whisperer? :wink: And LOL about Santas wave!

Judy - you are truely an inspiration.  4 kids and you put a little whole in the wall.  I put my foot through and shattered our mirrored closet doors when I was pregnant!  I was loosing it pre-child! (Was secretly so glad to get rid of those doors)  What humility!

Ankie - I've been sneaking the cuddles a lot lately too. 

Richelle - I was wondering where you were.  Sorry the trip was a mess but you almost made me pee laughing with your description.  I could feel your frustration through the screen.  feck*poo**!@!@*wee*other bum!@!@**mess*bitsman bits!@!@breastsbabywhisperer!@!@babywhisperer.comMake payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!removed ## feck*poo**!@!@*wee*other bum!@!@**mess*bitsman bits!@!@breastsbabywhisperer!@!@babywhisperer.comMake payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!removed!$%#

      OMG Cathy - Hope everyone is ok and maybe DH can cash out a little.  Sorry, is that in poor taste?  But really, sometimes you just need to get paid.

      Another screaming fit for nap AND bedtime yesterday.  Sol also isn't feeling his bath at night every since our trip to Seattle.  Last night we sat on the edge of the tub getting reacquainted with his bath buddies and talking up to the "big" event.  He still screamed and reached to be picked up throughout the whole thing.  Any ideas??
      I'm thinking it might be the change in routine.  Took him a few nights to resettle after the trip and he's napped at my Mom's place several times this week. 

      Ok, I really got to start moving.

      Sol  Enzo - Born April 29, 2005

      Reese Ivana - Born June 4, 2007

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      March/April Thread #3
      « Reply #700 on: December 15, 2005, 18:50:37 pm »
      Traci - I am sooooooo sorry I worried you but honestly how sweet of you!  I knew I should have called quickly.  My plan was to in the morning but by the time we were ready it was already late ect...

      My cards are done and I hope to have them mailed out tomorrow - I daresay most will likely be late, ooops a daisies!

      Where in the deuce has Jody been?

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      March/April Thread #3
      « Reply #701 on: December 15, 2005, 19:44:30 pm »
      Thanks ladies!!!  I feel better now.  Oh and I didn't kick the wall in front of the kids but felt I had to be honest when Zoe asked how it got there! :)  I mean c'mon if I'm gonna kick the wall can I LIE too?  ;)

      Cathy glad dh is ok!!  Scary eh?  Oh and as for getting pregnant after going back to work - well get this.... I went on a year's leave with Zoe then went back to work already 4months pregnant with Sarah, then took another year off and was just over a month pregnant with Kaia and Hannah when I went back :oops:  Then was only at work for 5months and went off on sick leave with a dr's note - got full sick pay until the day they were born when my year started!!!!  AND I get 6months salary top up to 85% of my pay.  :)  And they still want me back????  GO figure.  I think they feel pretty confident I won't be pregnant next time - IF I go back.  :)

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      March/April Thread #3
      « Reply #702 on: December 15, 2005, 20:08:50 pm »
      Morning ladies,

      sorry about my little rant about DH last night.  I am sure it is hormonal.  I think I will stop taking the pill.  I honestly believe that is making my libido waver :roll: .

      Judy: I want to come and work where you do.  What great bosses you must have :D

      Ankie:  I also have lots of cuddles.  I am lucky James is a very cuddily boy.  I have been told boys are very cuddily which I love.  If I lie on the floor with him, he comes over and lays on top of me and smooches his face into mind and rolls all over my body. :lol: I know what you mean about DH's and knowing the routine.  I askd DH to put some of James' clothes away, and they all went into the same drawer.  :lol:

      Richelle:  sorry your trip was so awful.  I haven't been game enough to do any sort of travel except for about a 2hr car drive.  You derserve a medal.

      Cathy:  I am glad your DH is okay.  A bit creepy about the prayer thing though :?

      Traci: Congrats on the super mod position.  A super mod for a super mum :D

      I am sure I have missed someone - sorry.  I don't know if this will help you traci/ankie, but I have James on set (well almost) nap times.  If he wakes before 6am and make his #1nap at 9am and his 2nd nap at 2pm.  If he wakes after 6:30am (which I have had for the lst 2 days :lol: ), I make it around 9:30/10 and 2:30/3pm.  I have found that even though you may have a grumpy baby, naps and sleeps have been a lot better.  It has taken a couple of weeks, but this week, I have had 3 mornings of not gettig him up till 7am.  I have found that if I hold him for about 15mins before putting him down and I wait until I see him rubbing his face lots, that is when I know to put him down.  I found if I put him down at a yawn, it was too early and he needed assistance.  I have just done it gradually, but maybe it would be worth a go.

      On a rave for James, he has learnt or discovered that his arms go above his head.  He crawls along, sits down and his arms go up as if he is doing the mexican wave :lol: .  He also crawls extending his arms up and out. :lol:  :)P:

      sorry for the long post - 6am here and just waiting to hear the call.

      Have a lovely day/night everyone

      Love Lisa mum to James my textbook/spirited koala


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      March/April Thread #3
      « Reply #703 on: December 15, 2005, 20:25:11 pm »
      Oh my gosh Lisa - you mean to tell me you are UP and your son is NOT?  :) you crazy woman why are you out of bed :)

      My dh does the same with children's clothes.  In fact Sarah daily dumps all the clothes out of her dresser on to the floor - seems the ideal item is always at the back?  Anyway last night dh picked them all up - one big sweep and stuffed them in a drawer..  To be honest I'm surprised he didn't just pile them on top of the dresser. :)

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      March/April Thread #3
      « Reply #704 on: December 15, 2005, 20:34:38 pm »
      You know when your addicted to BW when your baby is still asleep and you get up early to go on site..........  Well, I have just heard him and it is 6:32am. :D  :lol: I have had two (count them) two cups of coffee, without them getting cold or someone trying to drink it. :lol:  :lol: I wont be getting him up till he cries which will be closer to 7am.  Maybe I have cracked his early wakings. I hope I havent jinxed myself... :?

      Love Lisa mum to James my textbook/spirited koala