Hello, hello!
Face plants, topple overs, etc. DH and I have not ever made a big deal out of her falling over if it is just a tiny little bump. If she really hurts herself and cries, then we pick her up and say, "Be more careful." and she calms down right away. Now, she doesn't even expect to be picked up when she falls... only if it is not her own fault. i.e. DH pulled her arm the other day and caused her to clonk her head on the floor and she wailed and wanted to be picked up and cuddled.
We do use "no" around the house when Arwyn does something we don't want her to do. We always have an explanation... usually that it is dangerous. Otherwise, she is allowed to do anything that is reasonable in her play area (other than chew on her play mat, which causes the coating to come off) and in the bath (other than stand up in the water).
About saying "no"... in the Restitution workshops I have attended, they use a technique called, "Yes, but..." You don't actually say, "yes, but" that is only the name of it. How it works is, when your child asks to do something... say, go shopping with friends. If you feel like saying no, there are reasons behind it and to have your child understand, the conversation can start off like... "I really want to say yes to you but I feel like saying no. Let's see how we can problem solve this." Then the next step is to explain your reasons for saying no and engaging your child in helping problem solve. "When you go out with your friends, I need to know how long you will be out and when I can expect you home. What can we/you do to meet this need?"
Of course, not every situation would be cause for this type of discussion. You probably have family values and expectations that all family members are expected to meet. In our household, not everything will be up for negotiation... DH and I have agreed on that. Sometimes, the line is drawn and that's firm. Let's see if I eat my words when Arwyn becomes EEK, a Teenager!
Nikki... I have a rain stick too... I never even thought of bringing that out for Arwyn to play with. They are very cool... will try it tomorrow. And why, did your mum let Nathan play with it for 30 seconds only to take it away? Just silly. Pique a child's curiosity so that you can squish it?? harumph. My parents on the other hand, give Arwyn the dishes in a restaurant to play with. I don't recall being allowed to do this when I was a child?? Grandparent's perogative coming into play here?
Have a great chat girls... another dinner to go to... I am SO sad I am missing yet another chat. I really have not had a good visit with you all in a long time!