Author Topic: waking before DF..need reply before tonight please  (Read 1437 times)

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Offline Sabine

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waking before DF..need reply before tonight please
« on: November 26, 2005, 14:30:22 pm »
My 20 week old today :D  has been sleeping through the nite for the last 2/52 since we started introducing bottle EBM.  DH has been doing the df's at 11pm.

For the last two days he has been waking prior to 11 for the df.  We feed him his bottle and he will take 6.5-7 oz and talk a bit and go back to sleep but has been waking at 5pm crying and hungry.

I can't up his cals during the day...he will take only what he needs from the bottle and refuse the rest.  When he is done he is done :wink: . No solids yet.

Here is his schedule on most days

6am BF
9am nap
10 am bottle EBM--4-5oz
12 pm nap
2 pm EBM--4-5 oz
330/4 nap
5 pm EBM--4-5 oz
7pm BF cluster
730/8 bed
11 pm DF
He would usually sleep until 6/630 but has been waking at 5 for the last few mornings and at 10-1030.  Any suggestions as to what to do to let him last longer in the mornings??  He won't do the pat sh, or PU/PD thing either.

Offline Noelle

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waking before DF..need reply before tonight please
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2005, 19:43:37 pm »
If he is waking earlier at night, i would probably just do the dreamfeed eariler.  As for the morning wakings, a lot of babies wake between 4 and 6, play for a little while and then go back to sleep. Though if he's waking up crying and may just be a growth spurt.  They can last up to a week.  Unless you are waiting until 6months for solids, you could try introducing one meal a day.

Have you tried a pacifier for the 5 AM waking? Do you go in right away?  Sometimes Zoe will give little cries too but if I wait for a little bit (I have to make myself watch the clock because 10 seconds feels like 10 minutes  :shock: ) she goes back to sleep. If you are absolute certain he is waking hungry though (does he take a full feed?), I would have to say feed him and continue to try to up the calories during the day.
**Noelle**  Formerly JohnandZoesMom

Offline Sabine

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waking before DF..need reply before tonight please
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2005, 20:14:10 pm »
thanks for getting back to me quicker...what time do you suggest i try the df???  also tried rice cereal this am 1hr after bf and didn't like it??  shoul i be giving it when he is more hungry?

Offline Noelle

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waking before DF..need reply before tonight please
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2005, 20:25:05 pm »
I would try the df between 10-10:30  :D   Also, for the rice may take a week or so until they catch on.  If it seems he doesn't "like" it vs not sure what to do with it you may want to try pears or oatmeal  :D  I think 1 hour after bf is a good time to try....
**Noelle**  Formerly JohnandZoesMom

Offline Sabine

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waking before DF..need reply before tonight please
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2005, 22:32:44 pm »
thanks...i'll get some pears and keep you posted....great tip. :D  :D

Offline alison toms mum

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waking before DF..need reply before tonight please
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2005, 13:32:00 pm »
if you mix expresed brest milk with the solids (pear or rice) that can also help them take the food. Tom did the same at 17 weeks, but once he got on solids he stoped waking early.