If he is waking earlier at night, i would probably just do the dreamfeed eariler. As for the morning wakings, a lot of babies wake between 4 and 6, play for a little while and then go back to sleep. Though if he's waking up crying and hungry....it may just be a growth spurt. They can last up to a week. Unless you are waiting until 6months for solids, you could try introducing one meal a day.
Have you tried a pacifier for the 5 AM waking? Do you go in right away? Sometimes Zoe will give little cries too but if I wait for a little bit (I have to make myself watch the clock because 10 seconds feels like 10 minutes :shock: ) she goes back to sleep. If you are absolute certain he is waking hungry though (does he take a full feed?), I would have to say feed him and continue to try to up the calories during the day.