Author Topic: getting worse and worse...  (Read 2937 times)

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Offline jacks2202

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getting worse and worse...
« Reply #15 on: January 11, 2006, 13:28:04 pm »

Please let me know if you get any success from anything, as my nine month old daugther, won't go to sleep at night without being breastfed, sleeps in our bed and from 2.00 in morning wakes hourly for 2 mins for a breastfed and goes back to sleep, she also wakes 3 times in evening from going to bed, but she does sleep slightly longer in evening for some reason,  (i do have to be around about 45 mins after she first goes to sleep as this is when she wakes).

i am sorry for you but also glad am not alone as was beginning to think i was.  its so hard particaully as evertying she does is wonderful and she is a happy content baby apart from this night problem.  It also means i am unable to ever leave the house in the evening and me and her dad would like to go out as a couple sometimes.


Offline seaflower

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getting worse and worse...
« Reply #16 on: January 13, 2006, 21:51:36 pm »
Thank for your reply, Catzsz! unfortunatelly still no change in her waking habits. She is on solids now and I was hoping that will calm her down a bit, but no :(

Trying to get DD on 4-hourly routine is failing miserably, even more, she is now back to 2-hourly one! She seems to be constantly hungry. Will give it a try again soon, but for now I just feed her when she wants. She is on solids for about 2 weeks now and eating huge amounts already!

Quote from: Catzsz
When you put her down do your pat/shh thing but i'm going to suggest that you continue to do at least the patting thing for a full 20 mins after she's fallen asleep to get her past that "jolt" she'll have at the lighter part of her sleep cycle, then gradually ease back the patting and sneak off if its a nap.

Catzsz, not sure what you mean. DD does fall asleep with 2-3min of sh/pat during the night (in my bed! :) ) and wakes up an hour or so later, another 2-3mins of sh/p and so on. Why would sh/p for 20 min extend that period?

Jackie, tbh I haven't done too many changes since. I've been trying to keep my sanity and sleep as much as possible. Too tired to stay up all night long sh/p in her cot, and she calms down so quick when I cuddle her, so it is tempting to continue to do so. I'll read the baby whisperer again soon, when I get some energy back. For now we are pretty much in a survival mode :shock:  :?
My little princess is 2.5 :) Textbook/Angel/Spirited toddler
My little munchkin is few weeks old and doesn't understnd EASY!