Author Topic: What is meant to happen between 4pm and 7pm on 3 hour EASY?  (Read 1201 times)

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Offline teamholly

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What is meant to happen between 4pm and 7pm on 3 hour EASY?
« on: November 28, 2005, 10:10:41 am »
We feed our 8 week old at 4pm which takes up to 4.45pm.  The 3 hour EASY routine then advises a 45 min catnap somewhere between 5-6pm.

But that then leaves another 1 hour 30 mins until 7pm.  What are we meant to do in this time?  Surely this is too long for an 8 week old to stay awake?

Thanks for your help.

Offline seaflower

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What is meant to happen between 4pm and 7pm on 3 hour EASY?
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2005, 10:23:40 am »
I never figured that one out too!  :? I usually feed her more often, and get her to nap (she only does 45 mins) and keep it low profile... also tried putting her to bed at 6:30 instead.

Didn't seem to make much difference as she is always very tired in the evenings. Hope somebody gives you a more useful answer.
My little princess is 2.5 :) Textbook/Angel/Spirited toddler
My little munchkin is few weeks old and doesn't understnd EASY!

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What is meant to happen between 4pm and 7pm on 3 hour EASY?
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2005, 10:38:20 am »
hi.  as EASY is not a set schedule you can adapt this based on how your lo handles this time of night.

 :arrow: some babies who can only handle an hour in the daytime seem to be able to stretch a little longer for the last A time since it involves a relaxing bath/massage and feed taking up much of the awake time (rather than toys and activity stimulating for an hour...). 

 :arrow: others go to bed at 6 or 6:30pm - most people report that this has no real impact on the nighttime with morning wake up still within 1/2 hr of 'usual' wake up.

 :arrow: others take a sleep longer than 45 min so the last A time is short enough for them to handle but gets them to bed around 7 or so...(so if you are currently waking lo at 45 min you could let lo sleep an extra 10-15 min) with longer "catnaps" you just need to see how it affects your lo going down for the night - both my kids could sleep as late as 6pm at that age and still go down to bed around 7-7:30 after a bath and feed... other people find if they sleep too late or too long the baby won't go to sleep (usually a bigger problem after 3-4 months old)

it is up to you based on your lo (and will probably change and evolve over the next 2 months as you lengthen A times and consolidate naps) HTH  :D
Debra - a New Yorker living in Australia married to a Brit

dd1 - Textbook/Angel, born July 2003
dd2 - Spritied through & through, born Feb 2005

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Offline teamholly

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What is meant to happen between 4pm and 7pm on 3 hour EASY?
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2005, 20:33:19 pm »
Hi Debra,

Many thanks for your help.
