10 month old Georgie just decided he just doesn't want any more milk. He just wants to be moving all the time and won't drink it. Tried the sippy cup and doesnt like it, I give it to him in a glass and just makes a big mess. So how am I supposed to add rice cereal to a 6 oz bottle. He can't just eat rice cereal and 6 oz is just too much of rice cereal. So I try to add it to the food and then he doesnt really like the food that much, if it had no milk he would like it more. So when do you stop feeding him formula and what do you feed him next? I know cow milk will be until 1 year old and I just give him water here and there no juice at all. I just don't know what to do and what to feed him to substitute his milk. Is it too early at 10 months to quit his formula intake?
So heres our thing :
Wake up 5:00 - 5:30 am 6:00 am on a really good day
(thats another tragic story, dont know what to do there either, always craps in the early am)
About 6:30 am milk 5-6 oz used to drink it with some problems but if I entertained him enough he would finish the bottle. All 3 bottles are the same.
7:30 solids 5-6 cubes
8:00 bath
8:30 nap 1.5 - 2 hours
11:00 - 11:30 milk same thing as above
12:00- 12:30 solids 5-6 cubes
2:00 - 2:30 nap 1 - 1.5 hours
4:00- 4:30 milk plus finger foods I stopped since it takes me up to an hour to give him his milk. But usually bread, raisins, fruit, etc.
5:00-5:30 solids 5-6 oz plus raisins or fruit for him to grab.
So he drinks some water here and there but not much.
And he eats every 4 hours. Is this too little time at this age? maybe every 5 hours? But he doesn't stay up so late so he'll be super super sleepy at the end.
Then bedtime at 6:30 -7:00
So instead of the milk what should I give him. He only takes 3 bottles and it's been so hard since like he's 7 months for him to drink it ok. Although some days he just drinks it like candy. And he doesn't take a bottle before bedtime since it's so close to his dinner time and never wants it. He does wake up to eat at 3:00 am 3 days out of the week and the rest of the days wakes up crying about 1 hour after bedtime , can't calm him down unless I give him his milk, and he drinks it fairly quickly on both ocassions so I guess he is hungry.
Also, he doesn't really seem to happy with the food cubes of veggies I have frozen for him. I guess the taste is too bland. So he's getting kinda of uncomfortable on his highchair. Could it be he is bore of his baby no salt food? He really prefers what we eat? When do you swith to just what Mom and Dad eat? Is this good for them? Like yesterday I ended up giving him chicken pot pie, with white cream and butter and the wine and pepper. Is this OK for them at 10 months? Is this a normal process that babies go thru to swith to real everyday food and not his frozen cubes?
So any of you gals going thru the same thing?
What am I doing wrong? Is this routine OK?
Thanks foe reading