Hi everyone, I have been doing easy since around 2weeks. Naps were such a disaster that I focused on that and wasn't strict on what time he ate or on trying to get more sleep at night. We've finally got the naps under control (I think), he's 7weeks old and I'd like to try to work him toward sleeping more at night. My question is should I wake him up in the evenings to cluster feed and dream feed. Right now our routine fluctuates about 1 hour, but is usually eat 3pm, 5:30, 8-8:30 then sleeps for 4 hours. Eats 12-12:30, 3:00, 6am. In the past I've tried waking him at 11 for df, but then he wakes up 2 hours later to eat and I never get a 4 hour stretch. Should I just leave well enough alone and hope he stretches at night by himself or work harder on the cluster and df? sorry so long.