I must have missed your original post. Don't have a magic bullet answer, but with our LO (who's only 5.5 WO) when we started the CFs it took a few days for her to figure it out. (We don't DF...yet.) Now, she'll want to eat every 3 hours during the day and has adjusted to the 2 hour feedings in the evening. We couldn't go 3 hours in the evening if we wanted to! But, when we first started we had to really coax just a couple of ounces in her at eat CF. Now she'll take 2.5 to 3 ounces which is pretty close to a full feed for her. You may want to give that a try again for a few days/a week to see if you LO adjusts to the new feeding schedule. This may get more calories in during the day and then maybe, just maybe, your LO will only wake up when he's really hungy and take a full feed at night. Even though our DD took a few days to get used to the evening tank-up, she started sleeping in longer blocks right off the bat (we usually get a good 5-6 hour stretch). When she wakes after her long stretch, she'll take a full feed and sometimes more so we know she's hungry!
I have the same problem with my DD - when she's done eating, nothing is going to pry those lips open! On a previous post, someone suggested actually going back to a 2.5 hour EASY program (or whatever shorter schedule works for you) so that I could get one more bottle in each day. Once she got used to these extra daily ounces, stretch back to a 3 hour EASY and see if she'll eat more at each feeding. I don't know if this will work - I haven't tried it yet (our eating issue went away for now). It's hard not to feed a hungry baby (at least my LO will scream for her bottle), but in Tracy's book she recommends holding them off with a paci or other distraction for 15 minutes to stretch the feeds out (to help avoid snacking issues - which we had). Sometimes we can hold our LO off for an hour or more with this (trying to eliminate a 4am snacking habit), sometimes we can't even make it 5 minutes. Like I said, my LO can raise the roof!
My only other suggestion is to take the 30 ounces and divide it by the number of feeds each day. Then put this amount in each bottle (maybe a little less for the CFs if you try this). Only give him more if he REALLY needs it. The big feeds may resutling in smaller feeds later which may just be throwing the whole day off. Again, it might take a few days to find out if this works, because your LO may be expecing those large meals.