not read any post above and take it to heart...we all ahve very different ideas just as all babies are different to.I have to say i read the posts and my heart broke for you thinking how u felt reading them.I am going thru a hard time with my 4mo son and i have posted on the eumom site.I have had nothing but loving,caring and supportive replies,if i got a harsh reply it would have probably have been the last straw for
me.the last thing a tired mother needs is to feel they have done the "wrong" thing.
One thing i have learnt is that i need to make decisions on how i am going to deal with a situation and stick to my guns.I ahve based decisons on what other mums have suggested and my gut instinct.My wee man has been waking around 4-5am each morning and crying...he used to simply wake at 6am and gurgle away untl his 7am feed....for some reason or other he has taken to waking at a horrid hour....Plenty of people said, " just feed him"... so initially i did,i fed him one night at 4.30am but i then found he refused to finish most of the following feeds,was terribly grumpy and overtired!!Hence the following day i didnt feed him just soothed him back to sleep (which didnt really happen) and then started the day at 6.15am with his first feed.I then just moved his next feeds etc up slightly to accomodate the early start.Then for his solids i increased the amount.Fortunately he slept much better last night he slept 6.15pm-6.15am to the dot!! (with dream feed at 10.30pm)
Basically what i am saying is if u rule out pain,wet,wind etc then u make ur own decision on what u will do when he wakes.I have chosen to sacrifice a few nights sleep to teac him to self soothe again in the night and while others may scream..."no....feed him" he is my baby and i have to do what i feel is best,as do u. You see he slept thru from 7 weeks so i am not going back to night feedings now.I am simply increasing his daily calorie intake and seeing how we go from there.
Honestly sarah my heart goes out to you.You are doing a super job,it is hard enough with one baby let alone twins.Please feel you are doing your best and try to keep your chin i am trying to do too now.These boards are to support and encourage and maybe sometimes people need to reread what they write before posting,to check that it wont upset but only encourage and help us tired mums get thru another hard day!!! Im sure it wasnt intentional as Kate said...just tiredness is a horrid thing that maes everything look bad and read worse sometimes!!!!
congratulations on ur beautiful babies....and look after yourself too. :lol:
All the best sarahl free to pm me and i will give u my email address as maybe it would be nice to have someone to email and chat and compare stories... not compare babies if any1 reads it that way!!!
take care
kirsty (in new zealand)