My LO is 20 weeks old and weighs 20lb. Purely breastfed, happy to take the odd bottle. During the last week, he has got increasingly hungry and although I am pumping 'air' after each feed to increase my milk supply, he is having 4oz formula milk after THREE of his feeds.
He has slept through for the last 6 weeks and has just started waking again - although goes back to sleep.
His routine is the standard 4 hour one from the book:
7am Eat then activity
9-11 Sleep
11am Eat then activity
1-3 Sleep
3pm Eat then activity
5-5.45 Sleep
7pm Eat then Sleep
10:40 Eat (Dream Feed0
My health visitor has advised me to start solids. I fully agree that he is ready so I am not looking for any advise whether or not I should start.
I need to know if I ought to adjust his routine in any way when I introduce solids. I am going to give him a little baby rice at his 11am feed at the weekend when my husband will be around to help.
Is this the right forum or should I ask on the weaning one? Thanks.