Author Topic: Why does he cry 5 min. after I put him down?  (Read 1751 times)

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Why does he cry 5 min. after I put him down?
« on: December 02, 2005, 00:17:35 am »

My son is 10 months old and at bedtime when I change him ito his jammies, crawl around in the floor and walk all over the place to get him tired at 3-3.5 hours of awake time, he starts rubbing his eyes, yawning etc. I take him to his bedroom cuddle him for about 1 min and then I put him down. He lets out a cry or two but settles and stays down for 5-10 min and then satrs crying loudly. So I go in and he's bla bla bla everywhere. So waht the hell?

Why does he do that? He seems sooo tired and sleepy and he stays in his crib for a couple of mins just fine.

So I don't know what to do and what is causing this problem.

Offline Katet

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Why does he cry 5 min. after I put him down?
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2005, 03:30:30 am »
My thought is he is overtired... with both my boys if they are overtired & don't settle by "their threshold" they get upset. I would try a bit of a longer wind down to calm him down after wearing him out... it is very hard for them to wind down from excercise to sleep in a few minutes, I would add a story or 2 - about 5mins of quiet time first, then bed.
dc1 July 03, dc2 May 05

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Why does he cry 5 min. after I put him down?
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2005, 14:47:22 pm »
Well it never happened before and for the last couple of days it has been happening, and when I go to him at night for like the second or third time he has a crap. So he's crapping at night when he's supposed to sleep and at 5 am. he takes a crap too that wakes him up and he won't settle back. (Im also the 5 am post you replied too. thanks)

So this morning I don't have a clear idea what time he woke up but I heard him at 5:30 am and I got him like 15 mins later (huge poo) and then off downstairs and he wouldn't drink his milk until 6:30, so I gave him solids at 7ish and off to bath like at 7:45 and he was tired so I put him down like at 8:15 and he stays and then he screams. This has never happened before with his morning nap. What the hell? I am sooo tired. Last night not only did have trouble going down for bed, it took about 4 times to get him to sleep but he woke up like 4 times after that durimg the middle of the night letting out a cry and going back to sleep. He's starting to do this more and more now.

He never did any of this before!

I'm soooo confused.

Offline Katet

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Why does he cry 5 min. after I put him down?
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2005, 02:13:14 am »
Thats the thing about babies, you just get things working well & the goal posts change. So you need to change the way you do things with that change. I find with ds #2 I know it is going to change, so when something stops working, I know I need to change the way I do things too.
Separation anxiety is also quite common at 10mo, so you proabably need to give that extra reassurance too for that reason.
I know what it is like to be up many times a night (with a sick toddler & a 6mo... 3 hours straight is a dream for me at the moment)
Not much help, but unfortunately there is no magic trick, just a matter of slight (& sometimes big) changes along the way
dc1 July 03, dc2 May 05

Offline a_astorga

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Why does he cry 5 min. after I put him down?
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2005, 13:33:59 pm »
Thanks for all suggestions.

They worked!!!!

I also started giving him lighter suppers and having a 3 hour awake time before bed instead of 3.5 and stopped the walking before bedtime and it worked like a charm.

Thanks so much!!

Now I'll just wait for the next problem. But meanwhile I feel better.

However he still does not want his milk before bedtime and does wake up at 3 am to drink it. So last night I just didn't want to get up at 3 am again so I dreamfed him at 9 pm and he woke up until 6ish. Which is great. Still has poo but at least sleeps after 6 am.

So the ped suggested to switch how I feed him in the evenings to see if he stops waking up hungry.

So here's our routine:

6ish wake

6:30-7:00  6 oz bottle

7:30-8:00  solids, about 5-6 big frozen cubes (all kind of fruits)

8:45-9:00 sleep (1.5 hours)

11:00-11:30 6 oz bottle

12:00-12:30 solids, about 5-6 big frozen cubes (here I give him stuff like broccoli, chicken, beans, cauliflower, etc. pretty much anything plus finger snacks like cottage cheese and raisins)

1:45-2:00 sleep (1-1.5 hours)

4:00 6 oz bottle

5:00 solids , 5-6 cubes (lighter meals like pears, apples, zucchini, squash, etc. with some rice cereal)

6:00-6:30 sleep no bottle.

So the ped recommends to skip the 4 pm bottle and give him his dinner like at 4:30 pm, maybe even pushing his lunch a little later too.
Then give him his bottle before bedtime so he can fill up.

However I'm afraid he won't finish the 6 oz, cause he's tired and just wants to go to bed. Sometimes when I try to give him a bottle before bedtime he only drinks 2-3 oz.

So I am afraid he'll do this and drink less milk per day. He's only getting 18 oz a day plus a night feed which usually does happen then he drinks 5 oz.

Anyway don't want to bore you.

Thanks again for your help.


Offline Susie-Q

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Why does he cry 5 min. after I put him down?
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2005, 17:08:03 pm »
Just curious ... why would you give him a lighter supper at night and a heavier lunch?? Wouldn't it be the other way around to help them sleep at night - to give them something heavier and/or with protein at night????  But what do I know .. I give him the protein at night and he wakes up to eat in the middle of the night anyway.  He's 10 months also.   I wonder if I should be reversing it and why???

Offline a_astorga

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Why does he cry 5 min. after I put him down?
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2005, 17:50:47 pm »
Hi, the reason for that is I did give my son all kinds of heavy meals like lentils and chicken, chick peas and potatoes, etc. However he started to take a crap after his bedtime and woke up once in a while moaning all thru the middle of the night. So I figured the meals were too heavy and that's why he was pooping and also maybe he had an upset tummy during his sleep. Also he will poop at 5 am and wake up at that time.

So I experimented with apples and pears for the last 3 nights and he did't wake up with poo 2 hours after his bedtime and doesn't moan during the night anymore. So now I'm really just experimenting cause I don't want to give him heavy food if he's going to have a bad night.

However, it could also be pooping from teething, but I will try this for another week just to sleep better (we were sleeping so baad for the last 2 weeks).
Now I am switching to squash, zucchini, pumpkin, etc. Something not too heavy too see how he does and then do the chickpeas, chicken, lentils, etc in a little while.


What do you feed your loved one for dinner? Does he take a bottle before bed? Or is that why he is hungry? Maybe we can compare and help each other out.


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Why does he cry 5 min. after I put him down?
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2005, 18:21:13 pm »
Hey that's great!  I'm glad you're getting some much deserved rest. 

If you're concerned about his calorie intake, maybe instead of dropping the 4 pm bottle you can offer him a small bottle (3 oz?) right after he wakes from his afternoon nap, then supper at 4:30 and then offer a 6 oz bottle before bedtime.  If he doesn't take much then you can do a dreamfeed until he gets the hang of it?

Paul--spirited/March 2005
Joseph--touchy-textbook??/Sept 2006

Offline a_astorga

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Why does he cry 5 min. after I put him down?
« Reply #8 on: December 06, 2005, 18:33:10 pm »
thats's a great idea thanks!

Ill try that today.

Offline Katet

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Why does he cry 5 min. after I put him down?
« Reply #9 on: December 06, 2005, 20:30:16 pm »
Thats great... now you have confidence to know that as things change with your baby "little changes" are needed to the way you do things too

Well done
dc1 July 03, dc2 May 05