Author Topic: Introducing Sippy Cup  (Read 1272 times)

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Introducing Sippy Cup
« on: December 02, 2005, 01:15:18 am »
My lo is 6mo. and I have yet to seriously introduce any sort of cup. I have two different kinds of sippy cups (Nuby and Advent) and have let Zoey play with them but she doesn't quite "get it." She doesn't really even try to hold her own bottle. Is it too soon to start her on a sippy cup or is there a method of introducing it that I am missing? Any suggestions?
Mom to Zoey (DOB 5/31/05) and Zander (DOB 7/24/07)

Offline cwolff

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Introducing Sippy Cup
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2005, 04:26:25 am »
I give my DD water after each meal, and I use a starter sippy cup with handles on both sides.  I take that stopper thingy out and just give it to her.  She tries to hold it sometimes, but then water gets everywhere.  She doesn't get how to suck the water out of it, so that's why I do it for her.  But I want to make sure she gets a few sips of water after the meal so I take the stopper out.  I let her play with the cups on the floor with the stopper in for practice.  I think it's good to differentiate between milk/bottle and water or juice in the cup.