Author Topic: Sugar free drink  (Read 1391 times)

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Offline hulababysmommy

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Sugar free drink
« on: December 02, 2005, 05:46:11 am »
I was wondering if anybody knows of a sugar free drink for infants.
My DD is 6.5 mo. old, is EBF and started solids about 5 weeks ago. Even though I've tried to give her water from a sippy cup (she didn't like it) I don't think she really needs to drink anything else but BM right now (right?) but when we do get to that point I would like to have something on hand. I've only been able to find juices in the grocery store.

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Sugar free drink
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2005, 06:40:51 am »
FWIW, my 8mth old dd only really gets breastmilk for liquid and whatever is in her food.  I don't really offer water all that regularly, and when I do, sometimes she'll drink it and other times she lets it dribble out of her mouth if she's not thirsty.  I would just keep offering the water and she'll figure it out.  I don't offer juice to my kids either (my ds has had it on occasion but it's not a part of his day to day).  BTW, my ds only really got hang of drinking water at 8mths.

Offline Seona1973

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Sugar free drink
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2005, 20:21:51 pm »
The best alternative to water would be a fresh fruit juice (e.g. fresh orange, apple juice, etc) diluted with water: 1 part juice to 10 parts water. That would be enough to flavour the water while keeping the sugar content low.

Sugar free drinks are not suitable for babies as they are normally sweetened with artificial sweeteners instead which are not particularly good for them.


Offline cwolff

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Sugar free drink
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2005, 03:35:47 am »
My DD didn't use to like water either, but she likes it now.  If you have to flavor the water, I would use just about a tablespoon of juice to 1/4 cup of water.  She's not going to drink much anyway, but it will flavor it.  My DD only takes about 1-2 TBS with every meal.