Author Topic: Is he still getting enough breastmilk? Just started solids..  (Read 1436 times)

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Offline dallinsmommy

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Is he still getting enough breastmilk? Just started solids..
« on: December 02, 2005, 19:50:05 pm »
I guess the title says it all. DS is six months and we started solids about two and a half weeks ago. He's been on a pretty predictable eating schedule (every four hours during the day and once at night-about 7, 11, 3, 7, and 2:00 a.m.) He's eating solids once each morning about an hour after nursing-however, he LOVES the solids! I swear he would eat and eat and eat if we'd let him. So far he's tried pears, squash, and sweet potatoes and he LOVES them all. He acts like a famished baby! I only feed him about three-four teaspoons at a time; he gets mad when I take the food away. :(

Well, once a week I've been doing a 'yield' and pumping and feeding the bottle. I was amazed to see that he's only eating 3 ounces or so at each feeding! I pumped four ounces both times and he only eats three-is he getting enough? He's a big baby; 20 lbs. and seems happy-my breasts have also been feeling not as full. Should I be worried about milk supply? I'm hesitatnt to offer more solids and introduce lunch, I'm worried he's just eating the solids and doesn't want the milk. Any advice? or is this common?

Thanks so much for your help.

Offline LindseysMom

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Is he still getting enough breastmilk? Just started solids..
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2005, 02:54:21 am »
Hello.  First try not to let how much you pump make you think you are not producing enough milk.  Your baby can remove more than a pump so he probably gets more when he is actually at your breast.  Second, I think as long as you always offer milk first, then solids he should be getting enough milk.  Lindsey has always been a big eater too.  I always offered her milk first until she was 10 months old.  But I really think he should be able to get what he needs as long as you offer the milk first.  I would not worry about your supply either, your body will make as much as he demands.  You are a well established nursing Mom so your supply may fluctuate at times but it should by no means not be enough for him.  It is normal for you to feel less full in the evening time too so don't worry.  The milk is actually higher in fat when you feel less full.  Hope this helps.
Registered Nurse now Sahm
Mom to Lindsey Elizabeth 10/28/04
Baby girl due December 8th

Offline RebeccaH

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Is he still getting enough breastmilk? Just started solids..
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2005, 10:21:20 am »

I'm in exactly the same position with regard to feeding however my question is slightly different. I'm not too concerned about his milk intake but I am unsure about how much to give him to eat. He's eating about 2 icecubes worth of solids twice a day and loving it! When the food is gone he looks at me like I'm mad, surely there's more where that came from?! Should I be increasing his solids to the amount he'll eat or just leave it at the couple of ice cubes worth? He's just a couple of weeks off 6 mths and 17lbs, very healthy and happy baby. Thanks.

Offline teezee

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Is he still getting enough breastmilk? Just started solids..
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2005, 20:12:55 pm »
i had the same problem with my lo - she is a little piggy!  at first she was ok with the solids but then i think she knew that they were coming and wouldn't take as much milk b/c she was so excited to get REAL food soon.  she started waking up at night - every hour just to feed and that just wasn't cool with me!  i cut back on her solids and she started sleeping again! (and taking more milk at feedings)...if your lo's seem to be sleeping ok and don't have a lot of gas from whatever they are eating i would just continue...maybe add a little more to feedings every couple of weeks to make it a slow transition and then u will know what a good amount will be for your lo.
Mommy to Alecksandria
June 11, 2005

Offline dallinsmommy

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Is he still getting enough breastmilk? Just started solids..
« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2005, 20:38:03 pm »
Thanks so much for your help. I'm probably just making too much of it. We have our six month visit next week, so I'll check with the pedi. too. It's amazing how much advice and help you get with birth and breastfeeding-however, after that it's like you're on your own! :)

Thanks again for all of your help.

Oh-someone asked about adding meals; I had a friend refer me to this Web site : They have some great advice-I don't know if it refers to adding meals; but thought it might help?