I guess the title says it all. DS is six months and we started solids about two and a half weeks ago. He's been on a pretty predictable eating schedule (every four hours during the day and once at night-about 7, 11, 3, 7, and 2:00 a.m.) He's eating solids once each morning about an hour after nursing-however, he LOVES the solids! I swear he would eat and eat and eat if we'd let him. So far he's tried pears, squash, and sweet potatoes and he LOVES them all. He acts like a famished baby! I only feed him about three-four teaspoons at a time; he gets mad when I take the food away.
Well, once a week I've been doing a 'yield' and pumping and feeding the bottle. I was amazed to see that he's only eating 3 ounces or so at each feeding! I pumped four ounces both times and he only eats three-is he getting enough? He's a big baby; 20 lbs. and seems happy-my breasts have also been feeling not as full. Should I be worried about milk supply? I'm hesitatnt to offer more solids and introduce lunch, I'm worried he's just eating the solids and doesn't want the milk. Any advice? or is this common?
Thanks so much for your help.