I've exclusively BF my 5-month-old and am now adding a bottle of formula at night and supplementing after he feeds with a few ounces of formula from the bottle. Does anyone know if he will stop himself when he gets full? Because he seems to want more. I've skimmed as many posts as I can, but there are so many, so am sorry if I'm repeating a topic. Maybe he is comfort-sucking from the bottle, not understanding that it continues to give milk, unlike the breast? As an experiment, today I gave him 4 ounces instead of 2 after each BF and he took it readily, even taking 6 right before bed after nursing. No spitting up, and not much gas, either. Can't tell how much breast milk he's getting, as I've been unable to pump since he was 3 months (I pumped for 9 months with first born, but the second born is super-powered; he's stronger than the hospital-grade pump! so my milk doesn't let down to the pump anymore), so I can't do a yield. We will start solids in another month. He's not a frequent pooper, either, so I think he's using up most of what he gets. Any thoughts?