Author Topic: Baby waking, getting on all fours & crying, I need tips.  (Read 2645 times)

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Offline Beata

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Baby waking, getting on all fours & crying, I need tips.
« on: December 05, 2005, 14:16:31 pm »
We have backtracked, after a consistent 4 nights last week of me not feeding her for 8 hours (with a mixture of pu/pd, leaving the room and shush - whatever moomd she seams to be in), I ate some dairy, and Cate paid dearly with an upset tummy for 2 nights  :oops:

Then Sat, and Sun. night I caved and fed her at night  :oops:  :oops:  :oops:

Not only that so we are starting to be "strict" again tonight and all week, but now (every 2 hours last night) she rolls onto all fours, grabs the railings of the crib facing the door and cries bloody murder. How has anyone handled something like this? Just go in an keep putting her on her back? It's also a terrible scream, but once I come in, sometimes she laughs!!!

I took off that side of the bumper so she could see the door, and I leave a nightlight on (not sure if that helps or hurts) but I need any tips that you all have.
So I just keep putting her on her back until she gives up?

Offline evanskimberley

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Baby waking, getting on all fours & crying, I need tips.
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2005, 15:05:30 pm »
I tried to put her down in the way that she should be putting herself down, to teach her how. I gently pulled her arms down so she was lying with bum in air, thenlegs down, then  rolled over. All quiet quickly as it was the middle of the night and i wanted to get bck to bed!!!
I did this everytime she did it and eventually she learnt to do it her self. We practised lots during the day too.

See it as a form of pu/pd is no converstaions, but just teaching them how to get doen themselves. It does take a while though.
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