Author Topic: Solids not going well  (Read 1798 times)

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Offline Lucysmom

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Solids not going well
« on: December 05, 2005, 14:44:38 pm »
I am so discouraged with this whole solids thing!!! :evil:   My dd is 6 months old and we started her on rice cereal at 5.5 months or so.  She really disliked it so I decided to move on to barley.  The first day she seemed to like the barley, now not so much.  However, I have stuck with it and am feeding her barley cereal each morning before her bottle.  So she is very hungry but still is not interested in the food.  She does not open her mouth in anticipation of the solids.  Instead I have to sneak the spoon in her mouth and then she proceeds to make a "that is yucky" face.  She does not spit it all out and she does not fuss.  She probably consumes a total of 2-3 tsps a day of barley cereal and that is it.  I have not introduced anything at lunch time but may start doing so.  What should I do?  Will she just learn to like solids or am I doing something wrong?

People here (in the US) start their babies on rice cereal at 4 months typically and after reading about feeding practices in the UK and Australia I felt more comfortable starting her on solids later.  She just did not seem ready before.  Now people are blaming her aversion to solids on the fact that I started her on them "too late".  This really pi$$es me off and in some way makes me doubt myself.  But she was not at all interested in what we eat until she was 5.5 months.  UGH!!!! So frustrating!

Thanks for letting me vent and for any advice!

Offline Tammy: Ethan & Kaden's Mom

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Solids not going well
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2005, 14:59:26 pm »
Hey Melissa.

I started Ethan on cereal just after he was 5 months old.  We had about a full month of me sneaking the spoon into his mouth, and he wasn't a big eater of the cereal either.  Then, literally, one day, it just clicked.  He started opening his mouth for the spoon, and he's never looked back!  Once we started on some pureed fruits, then I would add a few spoonfuls to his cereal to give it some flavor.  Now, I don't put any water or milk in the cereal, I just mix a full 4 oz jar of fruit and add the cereal.  I think it's his favorite meal of the day!

Hang in there!

Offline Paulsmama

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Solids not going well
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2005, 17:48:32 pm »
Hi, just to let you know my DS has always hated cereal, but loves veggies and fruit.  You could try giving something like pears with a little bit of cereal, then gradually increase the amount of cereal mixed in over a few days.  When you have more flavor maybe she will eat more solids.

I wouldn't worry too much about amounts or waiting to start.  We started DS on cereal for a little over a week when he was 4 mos and he had terrible tummyaches.  When we restarted him again at 6 mos he would not open up for the first few days but once we got going on fruit and veg it was hard to shovel it in fast enough.

Paul--spirited/March 2005
Joseph--touchy-textbook??/Sept 2006

Offline tylersmommy

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Solids not going well
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2005, 18:26:18 pm »
Hi Melissa!

I also waited to start Tyler on solids, we didn't start until 6 mo. It took him a good month or 2 before he really got the hang of it. Like Tammy said, it just clicked one day. I don't think he had more than 1-2 tsp of food per day until he was almost 8 mo old. The plus? Since it took him sooo long to get the hang of it, he didn't spend much time in the "mush" phase of 9 mo, he only wanted finger foods.

I don't think it has anything to do with waiting longer to start solids. Tyler's almost 2 and he STILL has to see a new food on his high chair tray at least 7 million times before he'll even think about putting it in his mouth, and that's the way he's always been. It's always taken him a bit longer to get used to new foods and eating skills. I also saw a theory that older babies can take longer to get the hang of solids because they're more aware of their environment and what's going on around them. Some are curious and eager to try something new, others are a bit more wary.

Don't get discouraged or frustrated, do your best to keep mealtimes laid back and pleasant and she'll come around. Keep trying new foods to see if something interests her. Good luck!
Mommy to Tyler, 12/30/03 and Mackenzie, 10/17/06
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Offline cwolff

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Solids not going well
« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2005, 19:29:51 pm »
I was just going to suggest trying veggies and fruit.  Also, my DD didn't like the rice cereal, but she loves oatmeal.  There's also no set rule that says your baby has to eat cereal.  Some babies just don't like it.  And whenever I try a new food, I always have a jar of applesauce or pears around to mix with it if I get the yucky face.  That always works because she loves those two foods.  We started DD on solids about  5 1/2 months, and the first few weeks I always got the yucky face.  She would still eat it, but would make a face.  If they make a face it doesn't necessarily mean they hate it, it's just a reaction to the new food.  I agree too about making mealtimes fun.  Don't spend too much time trying to get her to eat, as this is frustrating for you both.  Plus she doesn't need to eat much at all, she just needs to get the hang of this new routine.  Smile and laugh a lot.  Tickle or whatever to let her know it's fun to hang out and try new things.  If she's had enough, even if it's been only a few minutes, call it a day and try later.

Offline notenoughshelfspace

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Solids not going well
« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2005, 19:50:50 pm »
The same advice from me; my little one never really liked cereal ( oatmeal being the best of the bunch but still not great) so like the other mums I made her 'cream of' thus mixing cereal with fruit or watery veg and that worked so so much better. I also do not think it is because you waited too long for solids, I think maybe she wants a little flavour.
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Offline Lucysmom

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Solids not going well
« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2005, 13:55:44 pm »
Thank you all so very much for your advice and encouragement!  I took everything you all said to heart and tried to make meal times fun for her and light-hearted.  And I mixed her barley cereal with plenty of applesauce baby food.  Well, today she actually seemed to want to eat it so I am very hopeful we are turning the corner now.  It also was so helpful hearing that I should just stick with it and then one day eventually it will click.  Thanks so very much for your replies!  I have said it many times before and will say it again, I LOVE THIS SITE!   :D   :D

Wishing you all a great day!