I don't know what to do....I am in panic mode right now.
My DD will be 11 months on the 9th anyhow I have been trying to get her to take a cup for about...ohh 1.5 months. I am not having any luck at all. She only has mreastmilk and that is down to 4x's a day. I really need her to take a cup so that I can start weaning her from me! I love her to death but I need some space. I don't know what to do I have tried the avent, the cup that has a silicone nipple even a bottle and to no avail.
does anybody have any thoughts on what to do. I know that this is my fault I should have used my pump early on but I just hated the hassel of it, anyhow that being said I really just want some suggestions. I feel like I am going to be trapped forever.
thanks, Angie