Author Topic: 11 monthsno cup or bottle  (Read 1696 times)

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Offline kendallnangie

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11 monthsno cup or bottle
« on: December 05, 2005, 20:31:04 pm »
I don't know what to do....I am in panic mode right now.
My DD will be 11 months on the 9th anyhow I have been trying to get her to take a cup for about...ohh 1.5 months. I am not having any luck at all. She only has mreastmilk and that is down to 4x's a day. I really need her to take a cup so that I can start weaning her from me! I love her to death but I need some space. I don't know what to do I have tried the avent, the cup that has a silicone nipple even a bottle and to no avail.
does anybody have any thoughts on what to do. I know that this is my fault I should have used my pump early on but I just hated the hassel of it, anyhow that being said I really just want some suggestions. I feel like I am going to be trapped forever.
thanks, Angie

Offline nicb

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11 monthsno cup or bottle
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2005, 14:10:08 pm »
I use a Rubbermaid 250ml container with the built-in straw for my 11 mo DD. She won't take a bottle either. She does take a sippy, but only small amounts - I find she takes so much more by sucking through a straw (but still only 2 oz at a time). Hope that helps!
Mum to Madelyn - January 7, 2005

Offline kendallnangie

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« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2005, 17:11:53 pm »
thanks I'll Try it.
I am really panicked at this point so I will try anything.

Offline thitz

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11 monthsno cup or bottle
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2005, 14:51:23 pm »
I find that my dd drinks really well from a plastic water bottle or just a regular cup.  I just tilt it so the liquid is just barely at the rim and she gobbles it down.  She'd only take a couple sips with a sippy.

Good Luck, Tarri :D

Offline gthills

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Exact Same Situation
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2005, 16:53:47 pm »
It was like reading my situation when I read this thread.  Pretty much identical (only we're down to 3 nursings a day after she wakes up from sleep).  I had a suspicion that she might not be napping as well as she could because she's getting thirsty and waking up before she's done getting all her sleep.  I'd like to get some water into her after her solid meals so she's getting more liquid inbetween nursings.  The sippy cup is just not working; more of a toy than a drinking vessel.  Us holding the cup only gets a few sips in her (and it's time consuming and messy).  I really appreciated the suggestions for the water bottle and built in straw thing.  We'll try them both for a few weeks and let you know what happens!  Let me know if you see any changes with your DD.  :D This WILL change eventually (hopefully sooner than later!)

Offline Mae & Kate's mom

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sippy cup
« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2005, 01:31:19 am »
    My daughter is 8 mos and was exclusively BF too, I introduced a sippy cup to play with and have a chew on..etc...then I put some water in it...then she chewed on it not sucking at all, but I took out the valve to stop the flow and let it run out...most went down her neck but she managed to swallow a bit here and there. So then one day she sucked on it! it was a big day for us, but about a month after the initial introduction. Try it....have the cup around at meal times as well for the association. It might work eventually. Good luck. :wink:

Offline Susie-Q

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Re: sippy cup
« Reply #6 on: December 14, 2005, 15:56:24 pm »
    Quote from: Mae's mom
    My daughter is 8 mos and was exclusively BF too, I introduced a sippy cup to play with and have a chew on..etc...then I put some water in it...then she chewed on it not sucking at all, but I took out the valve to stop the flow and let it run out...most went down her neck but she managed to swallow a bit here and there. So then one day she sucked on it! it was a big day for us, but about a month after the initial introduction. Try it....have the cup around at meal times as well for the association. It might work eventually. Good luck. :wink: [/list]

    That's EXACTLY what happened here.  He used it as a teether for a long time but if you take out the valve, it just runs out.  Then he's like, "Hey, there is something in this thing!!"  Then one day, he just started sucking on it.    Probably took about a month also.

    Offline reecesmom

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    11 monthsno cup or bottle
    « Reply #7 on: December 17, 2005, 02:47:43 am »
    My DS is 8 mo old and he finally drinks great out of a sippy cup but we had to try a few different kinds.  He didn't like the spill-proof kind with the valves...too hard to get anything out of.  So then we just had him drink out of a regular cup or water bottle like the other posts said...that worked great but was time consuming and messy.  We finally found sippy cups by The Early Years ... the are disposable and come in 4 oz or 8 oz.  The 4 oz ones are made specifically for younger babies just learning to drink from a cup.  There is no valve so very little sucking is required.  The downside is that they are 100 % spill proof and will leak when tipped upside down.  But it 's been worth it for us.  Oh - another great feature is that the cup is wavy (rather than smooth circle) so it's easier for our Ds to grip it.  He can hold it all by himself.  Hope this helps.