I am the mother of a 8½ month old boy. When I started solid food (3 months ago) he loved it. He use to eat about 5 different types of veggies. When I started fruits, he erfuse to eat some of his veggies. Now, with only one tooth, he his litterally making himplef throw up every time I give him some. Worse, when I try to give him something with a different texture, like chicken, not only he throws up, but he won't taste anything else. :?
The only thing that comes down is apple, cereals and yogourt. I AM SOOOO SCARED! :cry: It's been almost 2 months that this goes on. What can I do to make him eat veggies and meat? He needs iron and zinc and other stuff from meat, but the textures makes him sick? What can I do? Any advice anyone? :idea:
Desperate mama. :wink: