Author Topic: Help! My son won't eat no more!  (Read 1132 times)

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Offline maxime's mama

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Help! My son won't eat no more!
« on: December 06, 2005, 01:14:34 am »
 I am the mother of a 8½ month old boy.  When I started solid food (3 months ago) he loved it.  He use to eat about 5 different types of veggies.  When I started fruits, he erfuse to eat some of his veggies.  Now, with only one tooth, he his litterally making himplef throw up every time I give him some.  Worse, when I try to give him something with a different texture, like chicken, not only he throws up, but he won't taste anything else.  :?

The only thing that comes down is apple, cereals and yogourt.  I AM SOOOO SCARED!   :cry: It's been almost 2 months that this goes on.  What can I do to make him eat veggies and meat?  He needs iron and zinc and other stuff from meat, but the textures makes him sick?  What can I do?  Any advice anyone? :idea:


Desperate mama.  :wink:


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Help! My son won't eat no more!
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2005, 07:45:11 am »
I haven't introduced meat to my almost 9mth old dd yet (except chicken) - if you're still offering milk, his mineral stores are still being met for now.  Have you tried mixing veggies and meat with his favourite foods (my ds needed pear puree added to a lot of his food until he was around 12mths old)?  Some babies do take a while to adapt to other textures - perhaps add just a few lumps to an entire bowl of cereal or maybe one small lump per spoon of puree and work your way up to larger lumps and more lumps per spoon - just take it slowly though, and it will happen.   When introducing lumps, try it with something that is really soft and mushs as soon as it's squashed in the mouth such as avocado or banana, where as meat is a strange texture and won't break down like that.