Boy do I need some advice!
My son (2.5yrs) has been refusing to fall asleep in his bed.
We did have a great routine of 6.30 bath, 6.50ish book and
warm milk and 7.15ish bed when he was 2yrs
Unfortunately, we moved house in June and nothing has been the same since. He won't go to sleep in his bed and has been falling asleep in the
lounge around 8.30
I know I'm to blame for his bad habit but I'm not sure how to go about getting him back in the bed and staying there. I feel that if I can get him back into his bed at an earlier time he may sleep better and for longer. At the moment nights are erratic - anything from 2 wakes upwards and for over an hour at a time.
Our routine at the moment - bath 6.30, milk 7.00, reading and downtime until 7.30ish and then the dreaded wait until he's asleep.
This weekend he refused to take his nap and flaked out at 6pm - unfortunately still not in his bed and also no sleepthrough (although, after a 40 min wake in the night, he did sleep till 7.30am which was absolute heaven). I'm not sure if he's ready to cut out his naps as he gets pretty grumpy come 5.00 if he hasn't had one - in saying that, he's my first child so I may, and probably am, completely wrong :oops:
If anybody else has had this problem please could you give me some advice on how to stop this. Also, if I'm in for a screaming session every night could someone advise how I keep him in his room as he's wise to stair gates and is tall enough to get over them!
Thanks ever so much.