Author Topic: Huge hungry baby needs solids - why if less calories?  (Read 1506 times)

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Offline chark

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Huge hungry baby needs solids - why if less calories?
« on: December 07, 2005, 20:35:04 pm »
I know all about the breastfeeding and weaning guidelines however I do not believe that these apply to 100% of babies. My 5 month old is on the 98th percentile for weight and height so he is not the 'norm.' About 2 weeks ago I thought he hit a growth spurt but it has gone on and on. On advice of HV and actually what I genuinely felt my baby wanted too, I started weaning onto solids a few days ago. He LOVES it - keeps openning his mouth like a baby bird and clamps it shut when he has had enough. Butternut squash was a mega-hit today. ...but I don't get it. Surely there are more calories in milk so why would he 'want' solids? Am I missing something obvious? I know they can't eat milk forever but I don't get why it works. I should add that I still believe I am right giving solids, I just don't quite understand!! Thanks. Sorry for long post!


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Huge hungry baby needs solids - why if less calories?
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2005, 20:43:15 pm »
I think that's really interesting and I agree with you that milk is really all that is needed at this age still so to speak (some people don't wean in solids until 12mths).  I would think you probably could sustain him on solely milk for longer but you'd need to be offering it more regularly than say 4hrly IYKWIM? 

Just pondering, not offering advice of any sort.... :wink:

Offline chark

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Huge hungry baby needs solids - why if less calories?
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2005, 07:26:27 am »
Thanks. I know what you mean. In 'The Baby Whisperer Solves All Your Problems' my baby fits exactly with the big baby who Tracy suggested weaning early.


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Huge hungry baby needs solids - why if less calories?
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2005, 07:35:59 am »
Sounds like you're doing perfectly!  :D

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Huge hungry baby needs solids - why if less calories?
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2005, 08:13:01 am »
I am on big baby #2 both off the charts (1 from birth, the other by 2mo) Both weighed 8kg (18lb) at 4mo & 10kg (22lb) at 6mo & for both I got them to  close to 6mo (first was 5 months 3 weeks) with just breast milk... with #1 I had to feed 6-7 times/24 hours, but with #2 I actually really only did 5/24hours as he did for the most part 10hours overnight.
What I did do for #2 was double offer at all feeds... would feed & then 10mins later offer again... this was mostly as he gets really distracted by big brother & also as he is very fast & a 5min feed is not quite enough, but 7mins is if that makes sence.
Anyway I do think some babies can benefit from solids before 6mo... but just wanted to say despite HV advice it is possible for babies above the 98% to get to 6mo with just breastmilk & sleep through the night.

I also believe (after 3mo) - growth spurts for BF actually don't increase the volume but change the "content" so by introducing solids rather than "feeding through the spurt" the balance changes, so if you introduce solids at a growth spurt, it won't stop as quickly as if you feed more often for that "spurt"... the body is uniquely balanced like that... they need more solids to make up for what bm would have given, had a spurt been fed through. Does that make sence.
dc1 July 03, dc2 May 05

Offline chark

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Huge hungry baby needs solids - why if less calories?
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2005, 08:27:00 am »
Thanks. Yes, it does. I just couldn't take the screaming any more. I've had growth spurts before but this was mega. I'd put him back on again and again and even 'pump air' after each feed to try and stimulate demand. I hope I am doing the right thing. I have resorted to topping him up with formula which I know will slow down my milk production but I was planning to move to formula soon in any case. He woke up in the night, not to feed, just to grumble for a good hour and he has been much more difficult to put down at night - normally he is a total angel. Naps have become tricky too. I guess it is just the disturbance of solids but we shall see.

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Huge hungry baby needs solids - why if less calories?
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2005, 09:20:16 am »
My ds sounds very similar to yours.  He has always been around the 98th centile.  We actually started him on some solids around 4.5 months!  We went very slowly and he has always LOVED food.  So far there's not been anything that he's not accepted.  I reckon he'd possibly eat a whole lemon if we let him :shock:  :lol:
Seriously though, I'm sure you know what's best to do for your lo and as long as you go slowly all will be well.  I hope you continue to have success with your big baby boy.   :D

Offline chark

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Huge hungry baby needs solids - why if less calories?
« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2005, 09:23:19 am »
Thanks Hazel. That really helps. I've had loads of conflicting advice but I think you have summed it up. I remember my ante-natal teacher telling me that you should listen to all the advice, politely nodding and then do what you think is best because noone knows your baby like you do. If he didn't enjoy, it I wouldn't do it. An hour after his feed, I sat him next to me whilst I had my cornflakes, he watched me eat for a few seconds and then burst into tears. Poor thing, thought he was getting fed.  :lol: