Amber is just under the 25th line too. I would say, keep offering him lots of different foods but if he doesn't want much stay calm and accept that. It is hard not to try to get the spoon in, isn't it? Amber has been really off her food recently , teething I think, and it was soooooo frustrating. A HV said to me 'A healthy baby won't starve themselves', he'll eat what he wants.
You said it was the milk he wasn't keen on, I'm sure you've thought of it already, but a one point I was putting an once of milk into every food dish Amber had! She ate lots of rice pudding with loads of milk hidden in it!
If he is gaining weight along one of the lines, don't worry! I don't get Amber weighed very often as those wretched lines can be so stressful. DH is taking her to be weighed tomorrow and I bet she's lost weight with all the food she's refused the last few weeks,so I'll have to follow my own advice not to stress over it!
PS thanks for saying Amber is cute, I think so too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!