Author Topic: Allergies galore  (Read 2460 times)

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Offline Teri

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Allergies galore
« on: December 08, 2005, 15:36:04 pm »
Does anyone else feel that their child is allergic to everything???  My DS has a definite milk allergy but it seems his eczema breaks out with everything I feed him.  He had 2 days over the weekend where it looked better than ever but no more.  I keep a food journal and can't see any relation.  It is so hard to introduce new foods as he already has eczema and I can't tell if it's a new reaction.  He has been on many fruits (which I feel like there is a negative response to all), a few veggies, a few meats, rice cereal and oatmeal.  I just introduced egg yolk today but feel he is so limited to foods that he eats the same things.  He also has had a runny nose with cough for the past week so I feel it is getting worse.  I have looked at other factors and wash his clothes with All Free and Clear and use only soap free cleansers in bathes.  Just wondering if there might be anyone with suggestions out there.

Offline Kayna

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Allergies galore
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2005, 17:00:46 pm »
Couple things.......

Could your lo be teething as well?

How do you treat the excema?

Both my kids' excema acts up during this time of year until they have adjusted to the weather change. Any chance that could be the problem as well?
Eric DH Married 5/1/99
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Offline Teri

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« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2005, 17:10:20 pm »
He is going through teething...jut got his 2 top front a couple weeks ago....seems like there might be a couple more trying to make their presence.

We live in South LA so the weather is always crazy.  His was actually worse in the summertime.

So many things I read say eczema is caused by an allergic response to something (obviously) and I just feel it is food that I am continuing to feed my poor baby.  He loves food and I feel like I just keep taking it away........

We treat it with hydrocortizone cream 1% when it flares and keep him lubed with Aquaphor at all times....wears only cotton clothes.....

Offline GraceKellysmom

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Allergies galore
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2005, 19:05:34 pm »
Not sure about LA but we are in the height of flu season and my kids have both had runny noses and coughs.

As for the excema and allergies, do you suspect a hidden allergy? Have you considered what he is eating, could it be wheat? Could it be soy (which is hidden in most processed foods)? Could it be hidden milk? (so hard to find it all)

It takes a while for the proteins to get out of their system. For us, usually about a week, that would heal the diaper rash and digestive ills.

My other suggestion is what are you using for bath wash? Johnsons makes my dd break out, we use California Baby brand with huge success.
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Offline Kayna

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Allergies galore
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2005, 19:23:37 pm »
It sounds like you're doing all you can in the food department. If you are keeping a journal and haven't been able to pinpoint any relation maybe it is just his eczema reacting to something else.

With our ds we have to soak him daily for 15 min. in luke warm water, pat him dry and them immediately cover him with Cetaphil cream. Sometimes we put the cream on up to 6 times per day. But since we started this routine we have not had to use the prescribed topicals.

I haven't visited this site in a while now but our allergist suggested using it:

Eric DH Married 5/1/99
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Offline Livvismum

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Allergies galore
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2005, 20:30:10 pm »
What about suncream in the summer? This link may help

This is also an interesting one and may reveal something you're not aware of. Don't read too much into it or you'll never give your lo anything to eat again! Could it be a cross reaction to a fruit and a tree pollen?

What about environmental allergens - dust mites, mould spores etc etc These can be quite common but not very obvious. Is there a link with the days that air quality is bad in town?

Hope things ease up for you. Sounds like it's getting you down at the moment. hth


Offline Teri

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« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2005, 21:40:05 pm »
Hi.  I thought about sunscreen but haven't used that much and didn't see a real relation...thanks though!

We use Cetaphil to bathe him and keep him covered in Aquahphor.

Thanks for the websited.....the cross allergy one is depressing but really is a good explanation as lately I have felt like every fruit has caused problems.....especially peaches and he did throw up everything the one time I gave him kiwi....thought it was the texture and taste of it.  This might be a good lead though it does do away with most of his foods especially since he has to do milk free on top of it all.  Thanks a bunch....all of the advice and experiences of you are so SO helpful!!!

Offline hlevoi

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« Reply #7 on: December 12, 2005, 22:55:43 pm »
Hi Teri

You say your DS is allergic to milk. What is he drinking to replace dairy?


Offline Teri

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Allergies galore
« Reply #8 on: December 14, 2005, 02:03:41 am »
Hi Helen.  Since my DS is not yet 12 months (will be in 3 weeks), he is on Nutramagin formula.  He loves broccoli as well.  Not sure what we will do when he hits the 12 month mark...will talk with ped at checkup....any suggestions from anyone would be greatly appreciated. 

Our ped suggested my taking DS off of fruit as he seemed to react to all fruits...his eczema looks better than ever but he and I miss fruit!!!  This is SO hard but his runny nose immediately cleared and he looks great.  He can't possibly be allergic to milk and fruit!!  Anyone else in this boat???

Offline mchoong

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Re: Allergies galore
« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2007, 15:13:38 pm »
I see your comment about fruit and was wondering if my LO has the same problem. Each time I introduce a fruit she is up all night with tummy problems. The only fruit she is ok with is Prunes and I looked at the labels and it appears that is the only stage 1 fruit without absorbic acid. Are you giving your LO home made or store bought fruit? We're thinking of making some home made and seeing if it passes the test.

Offline Jimbob

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Re: Allergies galore
« Reply #10 on: February 15, 2007, 11:17:03 am »
My ds was 2 in October and the only fruits he seems to be able to tolerate are pears, raisins (possible grapes aswell if he would eat them) and cooked apples. Raw apples cause a problem though unfortunately. We have also found a few vegetables cause a problem the main ones being peas and broccolli. The only meat he can have is lamb and poultry is turkey. Fish causes problems for him as does gluten, eggs, soy and dairy so my poor little guy is on a very restricted diet. He has neocate advance which provides all his nutrients as long as he drinks over a pint of it. His reactions vary from simply flaring his eczema to making his face puffy, runny/mucousy bowel movements, wheezing and lots of wind.

James has atopic eczema, multiple food allergies, asthma and late talker