Author Topic: Can Someone PLEASE help me "TWEAK?"  (Read 1343 times)

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Can Someone PLEASE help me "TWEAK?"
« on: December 08, 2005, 23:51:08 pm »
Marli is 7/1/2 months and I'm finding it hard to keep some consistency.
She has been only been able to stay awake max 1hr 50 first thin gin the morning and sometimes will go back down 45 mins after her bottle :?  She normally has had 2 naps before lunch and one after this is her "Typical day" Also HEr night times are getting later do they do this out of aneed to extend there awake times during day?

6.15 Wake
6.30 Bottle 200 ml (7oz)
7.30 Breakfast Vegemite sandwich, Yogurt or Weet bix + sips water
8.00 Is REALLY tired can generally get her to this point other times not
8.05 Sleep
9/9.30 Awake usually grumbly after around  45 mins
10.30 Bottle (120ml "SNACK")
11.30ish Nap Sometimes I try and fit in her lunch here but she usually isnt interested She normally is ery tired but resists with all her might going to sleep so this nap isgetting closer to 12.10!
12.30 Wake
12.30/1 Lunch Vegies sips of water
3pm Cat nap for around 30-40 mins
5pm Dinner (really fidgety and irritable Rubbing eyes)
530 Bath
6pm Bottle
6.15 try bed
the last couple of days its been a real battle and she usually drifts off around 7/7.30 was previously ready to fall asleep at 630 .Seems she gets overtired but all I seem to be doing is putting This child to bed ALL DAY, Note this would be a good day sometimes the 45 min naps intrude often can extend more often than not but only for another 40 mins or so!This means she can have up to 5 naps a day doesnt leave time for much else.
I try so hard to keep her days as predictable as I can but I usually find whens shes resisting bed and naps something needs to change (Its her way of saying ok I'm ready for something new..)
Please Help I know Looking at her Routine it seems ok but she just doesnt seem to stay awake happily for long and i think she would be happy if i put her to bed an 45mins after waking! TIA!!!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Deb_in_oz

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Can Someone PLEASE help me "TWEAK?"
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2005, 10:03:33 am »
hi Deb - been thinking about your situation (sorry for the late reply - i am a little stumped as to what to suggest)

questions for you -
what does she do during her A time? is she sitting up? crawling?
at the 10:30am bottle do you only offer 120ml or do you offer more but she resists and just takes 120??
when did she start solids? what quantities does she take at lunch and dinner?
when you say she is grumbly 45 min after wakign from 1st nap - is she looking for food? at what time?

will try to get a suggestion together for you tomorrow after i read your reply. again, sorry for the delay
Debra - a New Yorker living in Australia married to a Brit

dd1 - Textbook/Angel, born July 2003
dd2 - Spritied through & through, born Feb 2005

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Offline Debprins

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Can Someone PLEASE help me "TWEAK?"
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2005, 00:57:28 am »
Hi Deb2, Marli is sitting and doing alot of commando crawling( dragging herself aaround the room on her belly) I usually offer her 180/200mls at 10-30 lately she just not interested she pulls off has a look around grabs the bottle agian etc... her mind looks like its going a hundred mile and r thinking what can i do next. She is eating the equivlent of a large jar of baby food, ightimes are a bit trickier because sheis grouchy and it is a battle for her to eat at all sometimes :evil:  Night wakings are becoming about every hr up till 12pm then sleep tillabout 5am then tuck back in and wake around 6.15 yesterday she had a time of 3.5 which is to much for her..I tried everything to get her to sleep but she was like hyperactive or something!!!When she wakes(45-1hr) unless i read her cues wrong she is either bored or tired. i'm thinking more bored now..I am exhausted and the lack of sleep at night is very trying. She has never slept through but we were making progress on this with only 1 waking per night.Currentle her A time is getting better. I think i read somewhere spirted bubs take abitlonger to adjust to longer periods? she was at 1/1/2 hr for so long but sheis nearly 8 months and I feel she should be up longer her A time is now generally around 2 hrs am and beforelunch and 2.5 after lunch and before cat nap then any where from 2-4 before bed. Icould always rely on her bedtime being so predictable at 6.30 not sure where ive gone wrong along the way..

Offline Deb_in_oz

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Can Someone PLEASE help me "TWEAK?"
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2005, 04:06:59 am »
OK this is my thought process and why i asked about her mobility status.  I don't think she is eating enough after that first nap to sustain her activity level through the day. crawling takes a lot of energy!  I  think it is fine for her to have a first A time of 1hr 50-2hrs. The problems come after her first nap - she is only taking 120ml which in itselfis not a huge deal, but then she is not interested in lunch either, so i imagine she is not taking in enough "fuel" to have a longer A time before 2nd nap, then she does not have a bottlle in the afternoon either and just veggies so maybe that is why she still needs a catnap at almost 8 mo.  does this make sense??

what i am thinking (and remember i am just a mom of 2 with an outside perspective not a baby professional...) looking at your day is to restructure your feeds and see if that helps fuel her day better.   do you think she woudl go for something like this:

stage one keeping the catnap and shorter morning A time

6.15 Wake
6.30 Bottle 200 ml (7oz)
7.30 Breakfast Vegemite sandwich, Yogurt or Weet bix + sips water
8.00 Is REALLY tired can generally get her to this point other times not
8.05 Sleep
9/9.30 Awake usually grumbly after around 45 mins
11 lunch solids
12/12:15 nap: aiming for her to sleep from 12:30-2pm at least
2:30/3pm bottle (offer full bottle)
4/4:15+pm Cat nap for around 30-40 mins
5/5:30pm Dinner
6/6:30 Bath
6:30/7pm Bottle and bedtime

if this went well and the food intake was the issue affecting her A times and possibly nightwakings and is sorted try stage 2:
6.15 Wake
6.30 Bottle 200 ml (7oz)
7.30 Breakfast Vegemite sandwich, Yogurt or Weet bix + sips water
8.15-8:30 start windown for Sleep
9.30/10am Awake
11/11:30 lunch solids
12:30/12:45 windown for nap: aiming for her to sleep from 1-2:30 at least
3pm bottle (offer full bottle)
5/5:30pm Dinner
6 Bath
6:30 Bottle and bedtime

stage 3 of transition woudl result in morning nap a little later and therefore 2nd nap starting around 1:30 - 3 or so and eventually you woudl have later naps and bedtime back to 6:30-7pm

this assumes  i am on the right track so you can try it if you like and i can help you tweak as you give me feedback... or you can tell me to "stuff it" andi am sure another moderator could try another answer.... :D
i just think that if she is just snacking at 10:30 let it go and then she will take a good lunch and then take a good bottle after the second nap (therefore keeping same numbe of bottles you have but hopefully increasing intake and in key times where se needs the energy supplied)

also - the crawling and sitting if recentl additions can be the cause of the nightwakings...
hope some of this helps - i will not be offended if you think i am off the mark  :wink:
Debra - a New Yorker living in Australia married to a Brit

dd1 - Textbook/Angel, born July 2003
dd2 - Spritied through & through, born Feb 2005

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