OK this is my thought process and why i asked about her mobility status. I don't think she is eating enough after that first nap to sustain her activity level through the day. crawling takes a lot of energy! I think it is fine for her to have a first A time of 1hr 50-2hrs. The problems come after her first nap - she is only taking 120ml which in itselfis not a huge deal, but then she is not interested in lunch either, so i imagine she is not taking in enough "fuel" to have a longer A time before 2nd nap, then she does not have a bottlle in the afternoon either and just veggies so maybe that is why she still needs a catnap at almost 8 mo. does this make sense??
what i am thinking (and remember i am just a mom of 2 with an outside perspective not a baby professional...) looking at your day is to restructure your feeds and see if that helps fuel her day better. do you think she woudl go for something like this:
stage one keeping the catnap and shorter morning A time
6.15 Wake
6.30 Bottle 200 ml (7oz)
7.30 Breakfast Vegemite sandwich, Yogurt or Weet bix + sips water
8.00 Is REALLY tired can generally get her to this point other times not
8.05 Sleep
9/9.30 Awake usually grumbly after around 45 mins
11 lunch solids
12/12:15 nap: aiming for her to sleep from 12:30-2pm at least
2:30/3pm bottle (offer full bottle)
4/4:15+pm Cat nap for around 30-40 mins
5/5:30pm Dinner
6/6:30 Bath
6:30/7pm Bottle and bedtime
if this went well and the food intake was the issue affecting her A times and possibly nightwakings and is sorted try
stage 2:
6.15 Wake
6.30 Bottle 200 ml (7oz)
7.30 Breakfast Vegemite sandwich, Yogurt or Weet bix + sips water
8.15-8:30 start windown for Sleep
9.30/10am Awake
11/11:30 lunch solids
12:30/12:45 windown for nap: aiming for her to sleep from 1-2:30 at least
3pm bottle (offer full bottle)
5/5:30pm Dinner
6 Bath
6:30 Bottle and bedtime
stage 3 of transition woudl result in morning nap a little later and therefore 2nd nap starting around 1:30 - 3 or so and eventually you woudl have later naps and bedtime back to 6:30-7pm
this assumes i am on the right track so you can try it if you like and i can help you tweak as you give me feedback... or you can tell me to "stuff it" andi am sure another moderator could try another answer....
i just think that if she is just snacking at 10:30 let it go and then she will take a good lunch and then take a good bottle after the second nap (therefore keeping same numbe of bottles you have but hopefully increasing intake and in key times where se needs the energy supplied)
also - the crawling and sitting if recentl additions can be the cause of the nightwakings...
hope some of this helps - i will not be offended if you think i am off the mark :wink: