Hi I am LOL reading your post. I have had the same problem with my DD it doesn't have to be carrots that she eats a lot of but rather foods that are rich in beta carotine. don't worry about it. My LO loves all the orange foods and if that is what she will eat, then that is what I will feed her.
I found all this out at the ER, we went in because she choked on something and the nurse asked me if that was her normal color, I was like ...what do ya mean? he said, well she is a little on the orange side. Anyhow I had the Dr. check her liver out while we were there and she said to just feed her some more greens. I gave her greens only for 3 days and it went away..needless to say it came back :lol: anyhow I am sure you lo is fine, lay him down flat as the do at the office, and push slightly on his tummyall around. if it is soft then you are good to go, if it feels kinda hard, then take him to the doc. I am not in the medical field but this is what the ER doc told me, so anyhow I am sure he is fine, just feed some greens.
Take Care, Angie
by the way
sweet potatoes
all high in beta carotine