My DD is like yours.... or even worse.... she will always try to turn, crawl, reach things or plainly not colaborate when it comes to changing her..
I stopped using a changer about 2 months ago when it literally collapsed in front of me (with DD on top!) It caused her a small skull fracture, and although DH wanted to buy a new one, I was so scared that I decided to unfold a sofa-bed that we have on her room and change her there.
In this way, I can sit at her level and I can use more parts of my body to 'control' her (my legs) and of course, I have a section there with her stuff (a nappy for her to hold, an empty and clean tube of cream, an empty bag of wet wipes) and LOADS of toys. Sometimes, when things get a bit complicated, I give her the basket of socks, which will give me about 10 seconds of not turning :wink:
Good Luck