Of all the books I have read it seems there are two things in common:
1) consistent bedtime routine
2) put down awake
You don't need to jump in with both feet all at once, however. Take it as gradual as you like but keep in mind, the more gradual = less crying but also = slower to get there. Start by putting down very drowsy, then drowsy but awake then awake. I think you need to allow for some crying, but only as much as you can tolerate. Then pu/pd or whatever works. Some people find leaving but returning frequently works better than pu/pd.
I think a consistent wake up time is also very important. Also make a big deal about getting them up (turn on lights, shout "Good Morning!", open shades etc).
A big, however, though. I can put ds down awake at night and leave and he goes right to sleep. However, it has not completely stopped the night wakings. If he feels well and everything is right he will sleep through. We just had about a week and a half of sleeping through, but the last few nights he has been waking again. And I think for the first two to three years this is to be expected b/c they are going through so much, teething, growth spurts, milestones etc. But like the previous post said, it is a step in the right direction. My goal is not for sleeping through every night from now on but have the number of nights sleeping through outweigh the ones with waking. My five year old still goes through cylces of a couple of weeks sleeping through and a week of waking up for nightmares, potty whatever.
Anyway, start slow and just keep trying to move in that direction. Unless you want to just flat out CIO don't expect results overnight. It may take weeks or even months.