my dd did the same thing - loves to eat off of a spoon! i would definately start at a smaller portion a teaspoon or two and make sure he is getting the same amount of bm as before. go with the flow after that adding a little more after a week or so. my lo only seems to nurse til she's satisfied - not full even now, so i have to first nurse, pump, try a bottle (she only takes about an ounce more) and then when i give her solids i give her the milk in a sippy with a straw in it (she loves this!) and she'll finish it all...alot of work to get those calories from bm in but she needs it. most ppl wait around 45 min to give solids, i may wait 15-20 min max b/c she is such a little piggy anyway, and that way i don't make her a snacker by giving her the xtra bm too late after her initial feeding. good luck and have fun! if u ever need anything pm me and let me know!