Author Topic: 6 month old just wants to nurse  (Read 1661 times)

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6 month old just wants to nurse
« on: December 15, 2005, 19:21:32 pm »
My daughter is 6 months-old and started eating solids at 4 months. The problem is that she is really not interested in solids... If she is hungry, I MUST nurse her or she will go through the roof! When I feed her solids, she takes a couple of spoonfuls and then turns away...unless it's pear fruit which she loves. I have tried to make it more enticing by adding breastmilk to her veggies, but she doesn't care for that.
Is it a problem if she prefers nursing? What about the preference of fruit? Is it gonna make her have a sweet tooth? How can I overcome this? Any tips?
thanks for your help!

Offline julieb

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6 month old just wants to nurse
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2005, 00:12:11 am »
You just aren't feeding her anything she likes!  :lol:

I thought we were doomed to eat pears and bananas the rest of our life at that age!  :lol:   But within a couple months, DS was eating it all!  The key turned out to be finger foods!  If he can pick it up, he'll eat it!  Then I could even give it to him mashed.  So be patient and keep offering.  Maybe start with some small ripe pear chunks and start introducing some finger foods by 7 months.  I also used to sweeten stuff with pears (like cereal and avocados).
DS 1/31/05 (spirited/textbook but a touchy sleeper)
DD 10/15/10 (textbook/angel/spirited)