Author Topic: Starvation???  (Read 935 times)

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Offline beth and sam's mummy

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« on: December 17, 2005, 15:10:16 pm »
Just need abit of advise really my ds is 8 months and every now and then decides just to stop eating and drinking this carries on for a few days and then he goes back onto his milk and pureed food. However he will not eat any lumpy foods. He had tongue tie when he was born and was slow where the food was concerned but he has had this snipped and the doctor reckons he should be eating lumpy food but he just wont, he pushes all the lumps to the front of his mouth and then spits them out. Am starting to get concerned as he is loosing abit of weight and wakes up hungry during the night. (He doesnt particularly like his milk either and that is a struggle to get it into him). My mum keeps telling me he will eat when he is hungry but It is driving me crazy. What do you all think??? :(

Offline mickymuscles

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« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2005, 15:48:13 pm »
that is very hard!!!  have you tried pureeing you own meats...they have a grittier texture and then slowly work up to lumpier foods like canned pears which are soft enough that he could smush them in his mouth and soft pieces of bread or cheerios?  maybe that might help with him getting used to lumpier foods.  My lo still isn't a huge fan of lumpy foods and he is just about 9 months so I wouldn't worry too much.  He used to spit out all the lumps too or just chipmunk them in his cheeks and I'd see them there hours later!  :roll:
Good Luck!
mom to 2 beautiful boys!