Author Topic: 18 month old - weaning from bottles, but sick  (Read 1137 times)

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18 month old - weaning from bottles, but sick
« on: December 17, 2005, 21:38:11 pm »
A little background:

- DS still does not sleep through the night (EVER)
- I still usually give him a bottle or two in his crib at night  :oops:  (just too tired to stick it out)

As my Mom is coming today to visit for the next 10 days, I thought that this would be a good time to get rid of his bottles. So yesterday he didn't have a bottle (went down for nap fine, as he did today). I got him to sleep last night and resettled him around 5 times throughout the night, without bottles. 

The problem is around 5:00 am he woke with a sore sounding throat (which I also developed overnight) so I gave him his bottle because I thought that he sounded sick and did not want to upset him more.  Today he has diarrhea and a runny nose along with that.

My question is: Should I wait a few days before weaning him from the bottle until he is feeling better or is it better to just bite the bullet and throw them out now?  I should also mention that he is also teething but he has been for a long time now because he didn't get any teeth until he was 13 months old. So he's been constantly teething for a long time, and I think that chewing / sucking on the bottle is comforting for him.

Any opinions needed please.

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18 month old - weaning from bottles, but sick
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2005, 20:39:13 pm »
I would stay off the night bottles.Now you've started it's actually easier in the long run not to go back.
Can he have a cuo of water when he wakes during the night?
Also if he's teething badly do you have anything over there that can numb the pain and aid sleep.
We have something called Medised which is a painkiller for children and also I was told to use it 4 3 nights to get Emily into a sleeping pattern as she NEVER slept either.
Also if you haven't already,try a pillow,that may help.
Sarah-aka Dorfus Rhinofanny

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