I don't think that seems like too much to me at all. In fact, it's less than my lo had at the time. Ryan generally had 2-3 Tbs. dry cereal with breast milk and 2 oz. fruit for breakfast, 4 oz. of fruit and veg. for lunch, and 2-3 Tbs. dry ceral with bm and 2 oz. veg. for dinner. My advice would be to call your pediatrician and get the amounts he recommends for his age and weight. And, if ds seems happy, don't worry that he is eating too much. He'll let you know if he's too full by turning away his head. He might keep eating because he's still hungry, not because he can't tell when he's full. And, DO NOT worry about his baby fat or anything like that. 6 months is WAY too young to be concerned about weight, esp. if his doctor isn't concerned.
Keep in mind that as he starts moving (and he will soon

) you'll need to up the amount you feed him. I didn't even think about it and I had a stretch of night wakings because he was so hungry. :oops: Now he eats 8 tbs. cereal w/bm and about 12-16 oz. of fruit and veg PLUS finger foods between his 3 meals! And, he lets me know when he is full by turning his head, blowing raspberries with the food, or dropping it on the floor. :lol:
HTH and good luck!!!