Author Topic: Concerned  (Read 1269 times)

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Offline jhcodrum

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« on: December 19, 2005, 01:44:14 am »
Hi i am a little concerned my 6month old boy doesn't know when to stop eating. This is my schedule
6am breastfeed
9am breakfast 1-2 ounces of rice ceral and fruit
10am breastfeed
1pm lunch 1-2 ounces of puree veges
2pm breastfeed
5pm 3-4 ounces of puree veges
6.30pm breastfeed

I have even cut back his intake of solids because he seems to just keep eating if i keep spooning. I feel these amounts of solids are excessive for a 6month old but on the other hand he is very happy and content sleeps well and has no tummy complaints. He is not a big baby only 7.5kgs. I guess i am just checking if i should cut back solids more and offer breast more(went cold turkey on dreamfeed as he started to wake after the feed), or should i just contiue as he seems to be very content.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Offline kate585

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« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2005, 01:56:10 am »
I don't think that seems like too much to me at all.  In fact, it's less than my lo had at the time.  Ryan generally had 2-3 Tbs. dry cereal with breast milk and 2 oz. fruit for breakfast, 4 oz. of fruit and veg. for lunch, and 2-3 Tbs. dry ceral with bm and 2 oz. veg. for dinner.  My advice would be to call your pediatrician and get the amounts he recommends for his age and weight.  And, if ds seems happy, don't worry that he is eating too much.  He'll let you know if he's too full by turning away his head.  He might keep eating because he's still hungry, not because he can't tell when he's full.  And, DO NOT worry about his baby fat or anything like that.  6 months is WAY too young to be concerned about weight, esp. if his doctor isn't concerned. 
Keep in mind that as he starts moving (and he will soon  :D ) you'll need to up the amount you feed him.  I didn't even think about it and I had a stretch of night wakings because he was so hungry.   :oops:   Now he eats 8 tbs. cereal w/bm and about 12-16 oz. of fruit and veg PLUS finger foods between his 3 meals!  And, he lets me know when he is full by turning his head, blowing raspberries with the food, or dropping it on the floor.   :lol:
HTH and good luck!!!
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« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2005, 02:04:48 am »
i agree with lo at that age ate 3 (dry) Tbsp of cereal with 2 oz of fruit in am then  a 6 oz bottle. Lunch was 3-4 oz of veggies/fruit with another 6 oz. bottle snack was an 8 oz bottle and dinner was another 3-4 oz of veggies/fruit an oz of meats and another 8 oz bottle.  Now his milk intake has tapered off a bit and his solids have started to increase.  Your lo may also be going thru a growth spurt right now and you might notice his appetite drop a little. But in general I don't think he's eating that much.  But call you ped if you are concerned.  My ped gave me this chart to go by as a guide for 6-8 month olds:
 dry cereal--------4-8 Tbsp
 veggies-------4-8 Tbsp
fruit----------4-7 Tbsp
meat--------3-6 Tbsp
juice (optional)------3-4 oz.

veggies and fruit can be given after cereals are accepted. Veggies should be unsalted.  Fruits and Juices should be unsweetened.  Offer a single pureed meat (ie. chicken) after veggies and fruits are accepted.  Well cooked egg yolk can be given.  Egg white should not be given until one year because it is a common allergen.

I hope that helps!!  :D
mom to 2 beautiful boys!

Offline jhcodrum

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« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2005, 02:15:58 am »
Thank you so so much for your replys i am feeling a lot better about it now. I am getting a lot of people (mother in law and mother ) telling me i am over feeding him and he will end of fat. But i figure he is only having good food (no sugary custards etc) so it can only be good for him.
Thanks again Julie

Offline teezee

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« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2005, 04:53:13 am »
i too can't seem to determine if i am giving my lo too much to eat as far as solids go - so much conflicting advice from everyone!  there are times she turns away or pushes the spoon away and i know she's full but other times (it seems if she REALLY likes what she's eating) that she will eat soo much that she doesn't have much of an appetite for her next breastfeed - what should i do then in that case??...
Mommy to Alecksandria
June 11, 2005