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First time mom over reacting (again)!
« on: December 19, 2005, 23:35:42 pm »
So, I'm letting something that was said get under my skin and just want to know what you ladies think.

DS is 4 months and on a 4 hour easy.  He is a big boy, about 17 lbs. and 25" long.  He's not really pudgy (although he does have big, squishy, thighs that are fun to eat!), but more like solid.  He takes an average of 36 ounces a day.  I was told that keeping a baby on a feeding schedule is bad because it teaches them to ignore hunger signals and leads to eating disorders later in life.  DS eats every four hours like clockwork, but only because I feed him (with the excpetion of night time when he sleeps from 7:30 to between 6:00 and 7:30 am with a df at 10:00).  Now I'm all paranoid that I'm not waiting for him to be "hungry enough" and that I'm over feeding him.  Who waits for their baby to be hungry?  My Ped  say that you can't give an infant to much love or to much food.  However, ds is only 4 months and wears 12 months clothes!  His dad is tall (6'1", about 190 lbs) so he has some "big" genes in him.  Does it sound like I'm feeding him to much?
Wife to Big Dude, Mom to Clara the one-eyed Cat, Sean Henry, and Mark Daniel
[img width= height=][/img]
[img width= height=][/img]

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First time mom over reacting (again)!
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2005, 02:47:32 am »
ABSOLUTELY NOT FEEDING HIM TOO MUCH!!!  :D   Babies know when they are full.  The only way I think that you can overfeed a baby is if you are using a bottle to get them to sleep.....meaning they need the "sucking" to get them to sleep, but they get the milk inevitably.

{{HUGS}}  Don't worry!!!  :D
**Noelle**  Formerly JohnandZoesMom

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First time mom over reacting (again)!
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2005, 15:38:51 pm »
I so so so agree!!

Your LO will only eat what he is needing in my opinion. My Health Visitor just yesterday said I was to give exactly William what he wants and that I was not to reduce what I was giving him as he woud decide for himself when he wants to drop a bottle.

William is 5 months old, wears 9-12 month clothes (more on the 12 month side) and weighs a grand old 22lbs but like your little cutey hes not at all fat except for his cuddly thighs - hes just very tall and well built.

Don't you worry your LO sounds perfect!

H xxx

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First time mom over reacting (again)!
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2005, 11:59:50 am »
Hi Kathy-Ann

I agree with what the others have said. Gracie was a chunky baby too (on the 91st Centile) - hardly surprising when you see me and my DH - lets face it, she was never going to be Kate Moss ;)  and I used to worry that I was feeding her too much too.

Once she started crawling she lost her chunkiness and evened out a bit.

Sounds like your lo is just fine.

I know what you mean about those pudgy legs...... yum, yum.... making me all broody :)
