Author Topic: When to start textures  (Read 1587 times)

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Offline cwolff

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When to start textures
« on: December 20, 2005, 19:29:20 pm »
My DD has been eating solids for about 2 months.  I've thickened her cereal but it's still wet, not fully solid.  I have tried making it thicker and she just lets it sit on her tongue, like she's forgotten how to swallow.  I'll give her a sip of water and she will swallow it.  Should I just perseve and she'll get used to it?  What kind of textures do babies eat at 7 1/2 months?

Offline 15milner

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When to start textures
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2005, 22:38:48 pm »
At 7 months, my DS was taking food that wasn't quite fully pureed.  I was still using the hand blender, but the lumps were still evenly sized but bigger.  Meat wasn't so easy to blend completely smooth anyway

I think then i moved to mashed rather than pureed.  sorry it's been a while since I was at that stage.  I do remember that at 8 months he was taking pasta cut into tiny bits (Pasta doesn't do well in a blender !!!!)



Offline jenni

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When to start textures
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2005, 21:23:00 pm »
my lo is just over 6 months.  i find she does sometimes fuss with thicker foods, but often she will make a plan if she's hungry. 

i make my oat porridge with fruit yogurt - sometimes its a bit thcker than others, but i generally try for an oatmeal consistency with all my foods, rather than a "runny ice cream" which was my original plan.

it took a while, but if you gradually thicken, rather than full on in one go, she should work out what to do without thinking.  I think giving a little water may actually aggravate it initially - try letting her have a few mouthfuls and then something to drink

i think the biggest thing that will warn you if she is not ready is if she starts choking badly (all babies choke a little - worst case turn upside down and thump back).  this means her throat muscles are not quite ready.

good lukc


Offline dinah34134

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When to start textures
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2005, 02:52:24 am »
andrew is six and a half months old and everything he eats is pretty much pureed.  if he has sweet potatoes, for example i'll add oat cereal to it to thicken it up but it's all still purreed with no lumps in it.

he has started to eat baby mum-mums (like farleys rusks) and is liking those.


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When to start textures
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2005, 03:06:31 am »
Your LO is just about the same age as mine, but mine really like chunky things.  I still puree most of his foods but to more of a thick oatmeal consistency than to a "baby food" thin puree.  He also has a ton of finger foods that he chews really well, like cheerios, animal crackers, pasta, peas, banana and a few other things that I can't remember at the moment.  I really think that a lot of it just depends on the baby and what they are comfortable with.  You know what your baby will tolerate, and if you just slowly start moving in the direction of slightly chunkier food, eventually she will end up eating table food.  I'm pretty sure there isn't a baby out there that still needs purees at 3 years old, so I wouldn't worry too much.