Hi, all!
DS is just over 7 months, and he eats like crazy! I've been feeding him both solids and formula at the same time (to avoid meltdowns). However, I've just noticed recently that he's very hungry between meals and needs a snack. So, I wanted to break up his solids and formula. I've tried doing it today, and so far it's been working. But I'm pretty nervous of tonight! How will the food all even up? I don't want to throw him off just because I'm trying something new. (That's just not fair to him!)
Plus, after trolling around the board (and rummaging around Tracey's book), I've found all kinds of information. Do I feed solids first or formula? Do I cut back on solids? How much of each should I be giving him now? I would watch him for clues, but he'd eat whatever I put in front of him and then cry for more! :shock:
If any of you lovely people have routines that are working for your LOs, I'd love to see them!
(DO I sound like a first time mom, or what?? :oops: :lol: )
Monstrous hugs all around!