Author Topic: Growth Spurts  (Read 1945 times)

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Offline Mom2katiebug

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Growth Spurts
« on: December 21, 2005, 02:41:29 am »
I know that they eat like hungry bears during growth spurts, but do they also get cranky ALL the time and have difficulty sleeping?
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Offline Noelle

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Growth Spurts
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2005, 03:55:48 am »
How old is she?? Sounds like teething  :D
**Noelle**  Formerly JohnandZoesMom

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Growth Spurts
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2005, 05:30:29 am »
She's 8WO.  Tracy's BW Solves All Problems book mentions the first growth spurt between 6 and 8 weeks.  She normally a pretty easy little kidlet, only fussy when she needs something.  But, evey once in a while she has a couple of days when she's just impossible to comfort.  Nothing is right.  She'll cry that she's hungry then spit out the bottle.  Then cry for the bottle again.  Same with sleep - scream like she's overtired, so we put her down (even resort to some AP at times) and then she either won't go to sleep or won't stay asleep.  She'll get fussy in her crib/swing, won't settle, will smile at us so we get her up and she might be fine for a bit, but then gets tired/overtired again.  And, what's weird is we've been home all day - full, normal routine.  Nothing strange, except she's eating like a starved animal and completely out of sorts.

Seems too early for teething, but others have comment on another chat that their LOs seem to be starting (a couple of weeks older than DD though).  What are other signs of teething?  Her cheeks are red (no fever) - is that an old wives tale?  No bumps or white spots on her gums either. 

Is vodka an okay treatment for teething - for me, not her!
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Growth Spurts
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2005, 20:21:15 pm »
You may want to have her checked for an ear infection, just in case.  I know that the pain and pressure in the ear can make feeding uncomfortable for some babies.  And they don't always have a fever with an ear infection, my ds rarely got a fever with them.  The doctor usually just found the infection during a routine exam, or when he was in for something else.

Offline Nicola_G

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Growth Spurts
« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2006, 11:57:30 am »
Hi all,

Along the same lines of this thread, can someone tell me if there is a growth spurt I should expect at around 5 months?

My lo has been eating, sleeping and playing beautifully but in the past couple of days has been really grizzly during activity time, and seems to be getting hungry faster than usual. Given the hunger thing, I am assuming a growth spurt, but felt his gums today and I can't tell if there are teeth coming through, but maybe they are starting to move?

Just looking for some reason for him being a bit off lately...?
Mum to Tyson Luke, born August 1, 2005
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Growth Spurts
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2006, 17:35:39 pm »
Hi Nicola  :D
Could be teething, growth spurt, or maybe coming down with a cold or something?  Or too, I found my kiddos would start to develop their personality more and just be a little crabby  :lol:

Mom2katiebug - how's it going?  :D
**Noelle**  Formerly JohnandZoesMom

Offline Mom2katiebug

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Growth Spurts
« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2006, 22:03:34 pm »
Oh...she keeps me guessing!!!   :D  :shock:  :D   Short naps are now the norm, to which I attribute all grumpiness.  Then her feeds got all honked up when she got her shots and lost her appetite.  Didn't realize that her tummy had shrunk and was still trying to get 5 ounces in her when 3.5 was all she could take.  And, she's really noticing the world around her so I think sometimes she gets bored with me.  :(

At her doc visit a week or so ago, he said that he saw some activity under the gums - not bumps, etc. that would signal imminent teeth, but definitely activity that they aren't too far off.  So, that will probably be part of our days, off and on, too.  But that fussiness will get blamed on the short naps - just like everything else!   :D
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growth spurts 6 months?
« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2006, 00:06:29 am »
My 5 /2 month old is definately becoming more whingy and crabby. i think she is starting to develop her own personality and is a firey little one. My husband told me this morning that he thinks she will give me a run when she is older. unless she is teething - cant feel anything. when they say growth spurts what is the timeframe to expect this, she is nearing the 6 month stage. how long do they last?

Offline lkc

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Growth Spurts
« Reply #8 on: January 07, 2006, 20:01:26 pm »
Hi Casey,

Sounds like we are still having similar problems with our LO's.  I think its probably since they are around the same age, 10.5 weeks.  Mattea is a few days away from her shots so I can only imagine what is coming up.  I think she has been going through her growth spurt these last two (or three) days since she started to wake more at night, it was up to three times.  So, I did what Tracy suggested in the sleep interview and increased her calories during the day.  I don't think I gave her enough since she woke the second night three times again.  The next day, I tried to increase them again and she slept through the third night from 11-5 ish!!  She hasn't done that in many weeks.  I have my fingers crossed for tonight. 

I wanted to add that I have been working really hard on extending her naps and for the last three days, I have been able to get her to sleep about 4-5 times per day with one or two naps between 1.5 and 2 hours.  She is sleeping now and its been over 2 hours.  I also have been doing what you told me about spending time in the bassinet and I think its working.  She has put herself back to sleep several times.  I have also not been going in as quickly as I used to to give her a chance to resettle herself. 

One last note, besides everything else, her bedtimes have been really difficult.  It took us two hours one night and three last night.,  She falls asleep but she keeps waking up.  I am confused since she is getting more sleep during the day, I thought that would make night easier too.  Anyway, last night she cried differently.  It was the shrieking, painful cry.  I think she was experiencing some discomfort in her belly.  She kept her body flexed and tight and had a lot of poops.  She was also acting like she was hungry a lot.  Tracy mentioned some of this may be reflux so I am going to look into that. 

Would be nice to have an easy answer like reflux to solve our sleeping trouble, wouldn't it? 

Good Luck.
