Every baby is different as to when they want to wean. Have you tried offering milk in a sippy cup? Some babies just decide they don't want a bottle or breast anymore. My nephew did this at about 9 months of age. Also, if by switching around the order of your solids and milk schedule he still seems to not have any interest, I would try offering more calcium rich solid foods. Offer yogurt and mix nuts or seeds into it to boost it's calories and fat. You can also mix nonfat dry powdered milk into the yogurt for an extra boost of calcium. Offer cheese, which I'm sure is already a favorite. You can offer tofu, and meats for iron and zinc. If he is eating a good variety of foods, which contain calcium, iron and other minerals, then he won't need as much breastmilk if he is refusing. You can ask his doctor if vitamin supplements would also be something to try in this case. If he is drinking orange juice, you can also buy the calcium fortified kind. HTH.