My DD doesn't like a lot of textures, and kind of gags when I try to give stuff like mashed potatoes, which are a totally different texture to her normal purees. But, I do give her hard cooked egg yolk mixed with her veggies 2-3 times a week. It blends really well with it, but also I think I'm going to do it as a first finger food. It's not as dense as some of the other finger foods, even such as bananas. I know that those puffs things melt in their mouths, so to speak, but they do require that the baby know how to at least do the chewing motions. I'm not sure mine does, so I'm waiting on them too. I really wouldn't worry too much about finger foods yet, because the pincer grasp develops later and that's what they need to pick up tiny finger foods. Plus, you want her to enjoy her foods, and if she's not than there's no hurry to force her.