I'm sorry to hear that you're having a rough time!
Here are just a few thoughts I'm having.....
* Could it be the texture of the foods you're offering? Have you introduced more lumpy foods that he's not happy about?
* Could he be teething?
* Are you offering any other fluids besides milk/formula (e.g. juice, water) that may be interfering with his appetite?
* Your son is possibly a bit too young yet for finger foods, but I know my ds gets annoyed when I try to feed him with a spoon when he's not eating enough by himself. I know he's a lot older, but it could be the independence thing starting. He'd rather try to feed himself. Perhaps your little guy is ready for finger foods soon (if he's sitting up straight in the high chair, holding food with his hands and moving the food from his hands to his mouth)
* Do you eat all together at meal time? That might become a cue for him to know that it's time to eat when he sees everyone doing it.
* Are there any distractions (T.V., noisy siblings, toys, etc.) during his meal times?
* Any sickness, ear infections?
I think you're doing really well to not force him to eat. The last thing you want is to make meal times a stressful experience (for everyone! :roll: )
I know it's frustrating. You just want to make sure your little one eats enough. He'll let you know how much food he needs. Each day it seems they eat different amounts too. You seem very patient, so keep it up!