Dd is about 1 month away from her 1st b-day. Her ped recommends we have her off the bottle as soon as possible from 12 mos. From reading almost every post on this board, I'm assuming it's because it's better for oral development, and easier to do it sooner than later. So, with breakfast and lunch, I put the formula in the sippy (every time, every day) and try to get her to drink it that way first. I've tried 10 different sippies since she was 6mos. There are 2 she likes best, but neither she will drink milk from regularly. It's usually just by chance if she's very thirsty.
I have lots of questions on how to prepare for no more bottles and no more formula:
:arrow: Should I start dropping one bottle a week until her 12 mos or should I wait to see if she drops them on her own (which I doubt)?
:arrow: When she is off the formula, do I increase her solids say from a 4 oz jar to 6-8 ozs and offer whole milk? She does take about 5 oz of half-strength juice during the day.
:arrow: She will eat yogurt, but is that enough to compensate for milk?
:arrow: Won't she be hungry from missing 24 oz of formula a day? If she wakes at night, would I give her a bottle?
This is her current eating schedule if it helps:
8 am 4 oz puree, 7 oz bottle
12:30 4 oz puree, maybe some finger foods, little juice with meal, 8 oz bottle
5:30 4 oz puree, maybe some finger foods, juice
7:30 8 oz bottle
Juice also before naps after playing