Ok, I think we have finally successfully gotten on the new routine. Here it is in great detail including potty times (she is almost entirely trained... we started with Tracey's suggestion at 9mo), meals & all. She is now 19 mo:
5:30/6:00am wake, potty, snuggle, breakfast (cereal, milk & fruit)
8am juice, potty
8:30 potty
9am snack (crackers or something of the sort)
9:30 potty & outing. 5-10 min cat nap in car on mornings that started earlier
10:30 potty (usually out somewhere)
11/11:30 lunch (protein, grain, veggie, fruit & water)
11:45/12:15 potty & nap for 1.25-2hrs
1:30 wake, potty (usually BM) & milk
3pm potty, snack (from the group she ate the least of at lunch... protein or veggie usually)
potty as needed in PM- usually can hold it longer
5/5:30pm dinner (protein, grain, veggie & water)
7pm bath, books
7:30 lullaby & lights out