Author Topic: What does your toddlers day look like?  (Read 182221 times)

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Re: What does your toddlers day look like?
« Reply #135 on: January 23, 2009, 21:51:54 pm »
OMG im sooooo jealous, here is my current routine

6.30-7.30 wake 7oz bottle bout 1/2 hr after wake up
breakfast 1/2 r after bottle
12ish lunch
1-2ish nap for 1hr tops  ::)
5/5.30 dinner
7-7.30 bed 7 if early nap or seems real tired

We still can have a lot of stirrings for his dummy  ::) but cant complain too much as he made the transition to bbb 3 months ago with NO probs at all  ;D

If he is ill he will sleep more and eat less but otherwise this is it, I would love him to have a lovely long nap but if he does he either wont sleep til V late or wakes super early in the morning sigh.......

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Re: What does your toddlers day look like?
« Reply #136 on: January 23, 2009, 21:57:23 pm »
well- sort of in flux here..
usually goes like this:
6AM wake up raring to go! potty time to try anyhow..
7AM breakfast
9:15 nap for 1 hour
11:30 Lunch
2:30 nap for 1 hour
6 PM supper
8 PM bedtime

Of course, that is an ideal day. Before the flu, we had some 1 nap days:
6:45 wake
12-2 nap
7:30 bedtime
                Nick spirited angel, born August 2, 2007

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Re: What does your toddlers day look like?
« Reply #137 on: January 25, 2009, 14:03:50 pm »
It can vary day to day, but here's ours (dd is 21.5 months):

6:30am wake (give or take - can wake earlier, like 6, or later, like 7)
7:00am out of bed and breakfast
11:30 lunch
12:00-1:30/2 nap
5:30pm dinner
6:30 bath and bedtime routine
7:00pm in bed; usually asleep by 7:30 the latest
Mom to my Spirited DD (5) and Textbook DS (23 months) :)

Offline elliesmama

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Re: What does your toddlers day look like?
« Reply #138 on: January 29, 2009, 03:22:27 am »
Hi.  DD is 19 months and we have a great routine going:

7:30 am wake
8:00 am breakfast
12:00 pm lunch
1:00/1:30 nap for 1 1/2 to 3 hours
5:30/6:00 dinner
6:30 bath
7:00/7:30 bedtime

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Re: What does your toddlers day look like?
« Reply #139 on: January 30, 2009, 23:38:38 pm »
My son just turned 3, so not sure we belong here anymore! But thought I'd post our routine, just in case....

8:30/9 am wake

9:30 breakfast

10-12 activities, classes, errand running

12:30 lunch

1:30/2 nap (depending on when woke in AM)

Sometime between 3-4:30 wake up (he does 1.5-2.5 hour naps; his naps are more variable now than they've ever been! But never shorter than 1.5 hours)

4:30-5:30 various types of play

5:30 make dinner with mom

6:00 dinner

6:30 play with daddy

7:00/7:30 upstairs to start bedtime routine

8-8:30 in crib for the night.  He's been falling asleep really fast, based on the silence after I leave the room!

This routine has been working really well with us.  We had a rough patch where he was so tired at nap time that he fell asleep during wind down! And then of course woke up while being transferred, resulting in 10 minute naps.  :P  I finally wised up and shortened his wind down and also do whatever I have to to keep him awake, including tickling! That has been working great and now he's back to having consistent long naps again!  Bedtime is typically 4 hours after he wakes up from nap, and I've found much longer than that and we enter OT territory.  He has less A time now than he did a year ago, so not sure why that is!  But I'm getting about 2 hours daytime and 11.5-12.5 hour nights, so I'm happy!
Owen, 12/28/05 7 lb 2 oz

Enjoying the toddler years!

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Re: What does your toddlers day look like?
« Reply #140 on: January 31, 2009, 22:19:24 pm »
This is our routine and has been since she transitioned to 1 nap just before her 1st birthday. It works great as her sister still naps and goes down 15mins after her  ;D She is now 15.5months

7.30am - Wake up give or take 15mins get dressed for the day
8am - Breakfast
9.30am - Snack
12.30pm - Nap 2-3hrs generally 2.5hrs don't let her sleep past 3hrs
WSW - Snack
5.30pm - Dinner
6pm - Bath
7pm - Bed

Natasha proud Mum to:

My big princess Catherine 7/8/05
My little princess Mirelle 17/10/07

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Re: What does your toddlers day look like?
« Reply #141 on: February 02, 2009, 19:41:13 pm »
This is what we're doing now, although nursery days are a little different (she goes 3 days/week) She's 2yrs 5months next wk.

7/7:30 awake and drink of milk
8:30 breakfast
10ish snack
11:30 lunch
1:00 nap (at nursery this is earlier, more like 12, but works better to keep at 1pm at home, otherwise we start getting EWs)
             (typically sleeps 1.5-2hrs at home or 30mins-1hr at nursery)
3:30ish snack (then she has a few more little snacks before dinner ::)
6:00 dinner
7:30 bath (every 3 days as ecsema gets bad if more often)
8:00 milk, bedtime routine
8:30 in bed, lights out

She's always been a max 10.5 hrs nightslep girl, but we're now sometimes getting 11 or more hrs ;D Very pleased she's doing so well!
"Very Proud Mummy Blessed with 3 Spirited Girls"

I Breastfed DD1 9.5 months and DD2 21.5 months
"Babies don't sleep, they are only on charge"

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Re: What does your toddlers day look like?
« Reply #142 on: April 02, 2009, 00:22:50 am »
Ella is 31 months old and her routine looks like this:

7/7:30: awake, out of bed at 7:30
8:00: Breakfast, get ready for day - potty, teeth, dressed
9-9:30: TV time if we are at home
9:30: leave for activity, T/TH is preschool, most other days we are out doing activities or errands
11:30/12: Lunch
12:45 - 2:30: nap (usually have to wake her, necessary to protect her nights)
2:30 - 4:30/5: Activity, chores, etc.
4:30/5 - 5:30: Independent playtime while mom makes dinner & finishes chores, makes phone calls, etc.
5:30: Dinner
6:30: Bath & bedtime routine
7:30: In bed

Ella Grace 8/25/06
Mya Rose 4/18/09
Cal Howard 10/17/10

Offline JBsMommy

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Re: What does your toddlers day look like?
« Reply #143 on: August 24, 2009, 18:36:49 pm »
JoHanna is now 16.5 months.

6:30 / 7:00  Wake up
7:30  Breakfast with milk
11:00 Lunch with milk
12:00 Nap - Generally lasts 1 hr 15 min to 2 hours
2:30 Snack with diluted juice
5:30 Dinner with milk
6:00 Daddy time / bath
7:00 / 7:30  Bedtime


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Re: What does your toddlers day look like?
« Reply #144 on: September 14, 2009, 01:11:23 am »
My ds is 18 months old and here is how ourday look like:
6:30 wake
7 a glass of milk and 8:00 porridge
10:00 morning tea
11:30 lunch
12 a glass of milk and nap till 2 or 2:30
3:30 pm afternoon tea
6:00 dinner
6:30 bath, massage
7 pm bed
7:30 is already asleep

Offline gavinsmum1

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Re: What does your toddlers day look like?
« Reply #145 on: October 04, 2009, 01:28:36 am »
Here's our routine. Gavin will be 2 1/2 in mere days!!

wake 7:45 ish
morning milk (leftover from the bottle days ::)
8:20 breakfast
loads of play!!
12:00 lunch
1:15 storytime
1:45 down for nap
3:00 wake and snack time
6:00 dinner
bath jammies teethbrushing
7:15 storytime
8:00 sleeping soundly (most nights)

Offline Crispy Chick

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Re: What does your toddlers day look like?
« Reply #146 on: November 19, 2009, 12:48:18 pm »

Here is our routine.  Murphy is 14 months:

7.30 am wake
8.00 am breakfast - cup of milk and porridge or weetabix
10.30 am snack and water
12 noon lunch
12.30 pm - nap - 2 - 2.5 hours.  will wake him at 3 if he has not woken
4.00 pm cup of milk and snack
5.00 pm tea
7.00 pm bath and milk
7.30pm bed and sleep.
My little Tootsie all nice and Cutsie

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Re: What does your toddlers day look like?
« Reply #147 on: November 19, 2009, 12:56:11 pm »
My DD is nearly 19 months.  Our routine is below and has been the same since about 13-14 months.

8am  Wake up, bf
8.30  Breakfast
10.30  Snack and drink
12.30  Lunch
1pm  Nap (2-3 hours, always wake at 3 hours)
3.30pm (ish)  Awake
4.00pm  Snack
6.00/6.30 Dinner
7.00  Bath
8.30 Milk, Bed and sleep

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Re: What does your toddlers day look like?
« Reply #148 on: December 13, 2009, 10:51:53 am »
Hey, my LO is nearly 19months. Thought i'd post out routine for all those who have EW'ers too!!

Awake: 5:30am, milk (sometimes 5, 6 rarely)
-Breakfast: 7:00
-Small lunch: 10:30
Nap 11:00-13:00
-Big snack: 13:30
-Dinner: 16:30
-Bath: 17:30+
-Milk: 18:15
Bedtime! 18:30

This has been our routine for the last week. Before that he was on 2 naps and EW since 11months.

Hopefully in a month or two we'll have a new one on here once we manage to shift his day later!! :)
Fay 29/4/2011, 7lb6oz. VBAC. Angel baby!
Tyler 23/5/2008, 8lb12oz. EMCS. Touchy/spirited boy!

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Offline irish3680

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Re: What does your toddlers day look like?
« Reply #149 on: December 14, 2009, 02:43:25 am »
Ella is 3 years 4 months. She has always needed more sleep than the average and still needs a long nap. Last year around this time she started EW and taking ages to fall asleep at night. I assumed she was on her way to dropping her nap and started shortening it. That totally backfired and she I realized that she was actually borderline OT and needed her nap extended. When we made the nap a little later and allowed her to sleep longer, she began having longer nights. I learned that the phrase "sleep begets sleep" is still so true as they get older. She still averages 12.5-13 hours of sleep a day.

7ish: awake
7:30: breakfast
8:00: Morning chores & get ready for the day, free time
8:45/9:00: MWF: leave for preschool, TTH we do some type of project or activity during the morning
11:30/12:00: Lunch
12:45: nap (sleeps 2-2.5 hours)
3/3:30: up from nap, time with Mom, independent playtime in bedroom
4:30/5:00: dinner
Playtime with sister
6:00ish: get ready for bed
6:30: stories and relax for bed
7:00: bedtime (asleep 8ish - needs downtime in bed before sleeping)


Ella Grace 8/25/06
Mya Rose 4/18/09
Cal Howard 10/17/10