My son just turned 3, so not sure we belong here anymore! But thought I'd post our routine, just in case....
8:30/9 am wake
9:30 breakfast
10-12 activities, classes, errand running
12:30 lunch
1:30/2 nap (depending on when woke in AM)
Sometime between 3-4:30 wake up (he does 1.5-2.5 hour naps; his naps are more variable now than they've ever been! But never shorter than 1.5 hours)
4:30-5:30 various types of play
5:30 make dinner with mom
6:00 dinner
6:30 play with daddy
7:00/7:30 upstairs to start bedtime routine
8-8:30 in crib for the night. He's been falling asleep really fast, based on the silence after I leave the room!
This routine has been working really well with us. We had a rough patch where he was so tired at nap time that he fell asleep during wind down! And then of course woke up while being transferred, resulting in 10 minute naps.

I finally wised up and shortened his wind down and also do whatever I have to to keep him awake, including tickling! That has been working great and now he's back to having consistent long naps again! Bedtime is typically 4 hours after he wakes up from nap, and I've found much longer than that and we enter OT territory. He has less A time now than he did a year ago, so not sure why that is! But I'm getting about 2 hours daytime and 11.5-12.5 hour nights, so I'm happy!