My DD2 is now 20m and her current routine looks like this:
7 - 7:30 am ~ WakeUp (sometime 8am on weekends)
7:30 am ~ bottle with 120ml milk
8:30 - 9 am ~ Breakfast (usually oatmeal or porridge or sorts)
11:30 ~ Lunch (Veggies & Meat combination, we sometimes do snack first and lunch after nap on the weekends)
12:15 - 2pm ~ Nap (1h45 at nursery and 2 - 3hrs on weekends)
2:15 pm ~ Snack (yogurt, fruit, or switched with lunch on weekends sometimes)
3:30 pm ~ Snack 2 (sandwiches and Fruit)
6:00pm ~ Dinner (Veggies & Meat combination or Noodles or Egg on Toast etc.)
6:30 ~ Bathtime with DD1
7:00 ~ Quite time (Sometimes with bottle, sometimes 15min of T.V here)
7:30 ~ Wind Down (Into room with bottle and Lovey, sits on lap while I read a story)
7:40 ~ Into Bed (and hopefully to sleep
6pm ~ Bath, Bedtime routine
7pm ~ 8 oz warm whole milk in sippy cup
7:15 pm ~ Bed
7:30 pm ~ Sleepyland