Author Topic: What does your toddlers day look like?  (Read 182222 times)

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Re: What does your toddlers day look like?
« Reply #60 on: December 17, 2006, 04:04:20 am »
gosh, i almost feel in a position where i can post here. no doubt it will all change again soon! DS is just over 15 months.

06.30am wake & chatter in crib
07.00am mummy hauls herself out of bed and b/f
08.00am breakfast
10.00am small snack & milk in sippy
11.30am lunch
12.15pm nap (2-2.5 hours)
02.15pm wake
02.30pm snack & milk in sippy
05.15pm dinner
06.00pm bath, b/f, & stories with daddy
06.45pm lights out

sometimes we have slightly earlier wake-ups, in which case we bring the nap forward a little.

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Re: What does your toddlers day look like?
« Reply #61 on: December 22, 2006, 14:11:49 pm »
Hello, here is our routine for Mia who is 16 months

7.00 Wake and breakfast
9.00 snack - a bit of toast or cheese or fruit
11.30 lunch - a sandwich or pasta with a yoghurt
12.00/12.30 - nap (anything up to 3 hours)
3.00/3.30 - snack.  Usually fruit and a biscuit
4.30/5.30 - tea.  Fish, chicken, pasta.  My once veggie loving baby will now not touch vegetables so we give her some fruit again here.
5.45 - bath
6.00 - 8oz bottle and rusk
6.30 - watch fimbles and wave to the goodbye song at the end of cbeebies (very bad mom for letting dd watch tv before bed!)
7.00/7.30 bed
Louise -  Mom to Mia Alison born 19.08.05 
Our beautiful english rose and textbook/spirited baby.
New Mom to lovely Scarlett Grace - textbook/touchy

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Re: What does your toddlers day look like?
« Reply #62 on: December 27, 2006, 18:43:20 pm »
Dear God, I can't get over how much less my lo sleeps!

At 21 months here's our general day:
Anywhere from 5:30am/6am :P (most mornings) to 6:30am (once or twice a week) -Wake up
7:30 am - Breakfast
10 am - small snack
Noon - Lunch
12:30/1:00 - Nap (depends on morning wake up time)
Naps 1 hr to 1 1/2 hrs. tops! :o ::) (Rarely throws in a 2 hour nap if he's sick, very rare)
3:00 - snack
5:30/6pm - dinner
6:30 - Bath, milk, story, cuddles
7:00/7:15 in crib (most nights babbles and plays for 15-20min. before he's quiet) ::)
He NEVER sleeps 12 hours!

I'm exhausted by the end of his day! ;)

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Re: What does your toddlers day look like?
« Reply #63 on: February 05, 2007, 09:27:55 am »
Here is our day at 18months:

7.15am - Wake change nappy and milk 7ozs
8am - Breakfast
8.30-9.30am - Change clothes for the day,brush teeth,Play on her own i do house work
9.30am - Snack (Mondays music class)
10.30am - Walk with the dog
11.45am - Lunch
12.30pm - Nap 2hrs
2.30 - 4pm - Run errands
4pm - Snack
4.30-6pm - Play with Mum
6-6.30pm - Pick up daddy
6.30pm - Dinner
7pm - Bath
7.30pm - Brush teeth,stories,bed by 7.45pm.

Weekends Breakfast is later and Dinner is at 6pm.

Natasha proud Mum to:

My big princess Catherine 7/8/05
My little princess Mirelle 17/10/07

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Re: What does your toddlers day look like?
« Reply #64 on: February 23, 2007, 09:55:45 am »
Thea is almost 17 months:
6-6:30= up!( It used to be 7, but for a month now she is waking up earlier and some times waking up in the night.)
7= milk
7:30= breakfast yogurt and cereals
9= she start kindagarden ( she loves it!)
11:30= snack sanwish and fruit
11:45-12=nap for 1 1/2,2 hours. Sometimes 2 1/2-3
2= warm lunch
4= snack fruit, sometimes sanwish too
6= warm dinner
6:30= tidy up, bath,pij,milk and bed
7-7:30= sleep (normally within 10 min)
At weekends when she doesn´t go to kindagarden i keep everything the same. :-*

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Re: What does your toddlers day look like?
« Reply #65 on: March 19, 2007, 02:04:38 am »
DS is 14.5 months...

Wake 7:30 - 7oz milk
Read stories, short play in his room
Breakfast 8:15
Plays downstairs
"Rest" 10am - has a little snack and watches a Baby Einstein video for a charge up!
10:30- run some errands, go for a walk, etc.
Lunch 11:30
Nap 12:30-2:30 or 3:00 (small bottle before nap)
Offer a little snack after his nap, sometimes wants it, others not -
Dinner somewhere between 5:00-5:30
Bath shortly after 7:00
In bed around 7:30 and asleep around 8:00
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Re: What does your toddlers day look like?
« Reply #66 on: April 07, 2007, 20:20:25 pm »
Mia is almost 20 months - here's our routine

6.30 ish wake (there is a lot of variation here sometimes it's 5am but mainly it's around the 6am - 6.30am mark)
7.00 - breakfast
9.00 - snack
11.30 - lunch
12.30 - 2.00 - nap.  No more than 1.5 hours now in a bid to try and solve our early starts
3.00 - snack
5.00 - tea
7.00 - 8oz bottle and toast
7.30 bed

That's pretty much how it has been for the last month. 
Louise -  Mom to Mia Alison born 19.08.05 
Our beautiful english rose and textbook/spirited baby.
New Mom to lovely Scarlett Grace - textbook/touchy

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Re: What does your toddlers day look like?
« Reply #67 on: May 03, 2007, 01:41:25 am »
Now that we're consistently on one nap, thought I'd post our routine (thank goodness it's more predictable now!). LO is 16 months, and this has been our routine for 3-4 weeks now.

7:30/8: wake up
8:30 mommy gets Owen from crib
9:00 breakfast of waffles & cream cheese, fruit (he won't eat until he's been up a good hour)
9-11 play group, go to park, or other activities typically outside now that it's nice!
11:30 lunch (sandwich, fruit, crackers & cheese)
12:00/1:00 nap (depends on when woke up, how tired, etc.) Typically 2-2.5 hours.

2:30/3:30 up from nap play with babysitter
4:00 snack - (raisins, fruit&cereal bar, or crackers)
5:00 help mama make dinner, play by himself
6:00 dinner with family (protein, fruit, try to get him to eat a veg - usually refuses, more cheese & crackers to supplement)
6:30 bath, stories, bottle
7:30 lights out and night night!

NO MORE NIGHT WAKINGS!!!!!! This is a huge improvement for us! Yay for one nap territory!  ;D

Owen, 12/28/05 7 lb 2 oz

Enjoying the toddler years!

Offline *Natasha*

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Re: What does your toddlers day look like?
« Reply #68 on: May 03, 2007, 03:04:22 am »
This is ours at 21months has been like this for a while:

7am - Wake, 8ozs milk on weekdays take Daddy to the train
8am - Breakast
8.30 - 10am - Play on her own
10-11.30am - Run errands snack on the run (music class on Mondays Swimming Saturday)
11.45am - Lunch
12.30pm - Nap 1.5-2.5hrs 2hr average
3-5.30pm - Go visiting or play together at home a snack around 4pm
5.30pm - Make dinner
6pm - Pick up Daddy from the train on weekends we eat here
6.30 - Dinner
7pm - Bath,brush teeth,story.
7.30/45pm - Bed asleep by 8pm

Natasha proud Mum to:

My big princess Catherine 7/8/05
My little princess Mirelle 17/10/07

Offline BabyBsMommy

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Re: What does your toddlers day look like?
« Reply #69 on: May 06, 2007, 01:28:57 am »
At 16 months, Ds's routine isn't too different from at 14 months...

wakes up anywhere between 7-7:45am (weird) but we leave him there to play until 7:45.
7:45 - 6oz milk
8:30 breakfast - usually one of toast/waffle/cereal, 1/2 yogurt, fruit, water
10:15 - small snack (cheerios, a bit of fruit, etc), get dressed
11:30 lunch - dinner leftovers, sandwich, veggies, etc. fruit, water
12:45 6oz bottle and nap, usually 2 hours minimum
3:30 small snack (a ww cracker and cheese or fruit)
5:30 dinner - whatever we're having unless it's not appropriate, then a keep a few things frozen in the freezer for him leftover from past dinners
7:15 bath
7:45 bed
He needs about 13-13.5 hours of sleep daily which is why I think his wake up time fluctuates a bit - if he had a shorter PM nap the day before, he sleeps in later and if he had an extra long nap the day before, he wakes up earlier.
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Offline aylinr

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Re: What does your toddlers day look like?
« Reply #70 on: May 29, 2007, 12:12:24 pm »
my girlie is 13months old - but walking and definitely toddling!!! so i think she's alittle younger than most of the other babies posted but still might help someone later on down the line. and hoping the morning nap lasts until the end of the summer; fingers crossed

7/7.30am wake -up; bottle
8.00ish breakfast
9.30/10.00am morning nap
11./11.30 wake-up / snck - fruit or yoghurt and cookie
1.00-1.30pm lunch
2.00pm ish afternoon nap
4/4.30 wake up / bottle & cookie
6.30pm dinner
7.15pm wind down in her room with daddy; reading, etc then bath
8.00pm bottle and in bed - usually asleep very shortly afterwards.

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Re: What does your toddlers day look like?
« Reply #71 on: May 29, 2007, 14:39:55 pm »
at 23 months.....

7:30am - wake up and a snack
hang out with mom before I go to work
9am - breakfast
11:30 - lunch
12ish - begin wind down for nap
usually asleep by 12:15pm
2:30 ish - wake from nap and have snack
play outside
5:30 - dinner
7pm - bath
7:45 -in room for wind down
8ish - bedtime (usually in bed just after 8pm or before.)

Offline Sunshine's Mommy

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Re: What does your toddlers day look like?
« Reply #72 on: June 01, 2007, 17:45:53 pm »
Sunshine's routine...(She'll be 16 months in a few days)

6:00 wake up, play on my bed / read
6:30 get dressed
6:45 milk
7:00 - 7:30 play around
7:30 go to caregiver's
8:00 - 8:30 play time
8:30 - 9:30 walk in a stroller (length depends on weather)
9:30 breakfast / snack
9:45 - 11:15 play time
11:15 lunch
11:45 - 12:15 walk to bus stop and back (drop off school kids)
12:15 - 2:00 nap (it depends on a day, she usually takes about 10 min to fall asleep and then she sleeps 1 - 2 hours)
2:00 snack
2:15 play time
3:00 drive home
3:30 playtime
4:00 dinner
4:30 playtime / park (if it's nice)
5:30 watching Boobah (15 min)
5:45 bath
6:00 milk
6:15 story time
6:30 sleep time
and it takes her about 1 hr to fall asleep

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Re: What does your toddlers day look like?
« Reply #73 on: June 18, 2007, 00:53:48 am »
Gracie's day at 14.5 months....

6am wake up
stays in crib until mommy comes and gets her....she plays quietly in the dark with her lovey and other stuffed animals
6:30ish mommy goes in, Grace gets changed and ready for the day
6:45ish breakfast w/sippy
short play time
7:30-8am walk with mommy
8:30 Mia arrives (the 10 month old I watch)
8:30-9:30 play time
9:30 put Grace in crib for her nap then put Mia down for her nap (by 10am)

10 or 10:30 Snack
This is when we got out if we choose to do so (play ground, etc.), or we stay home and, bubbles, silly songs, etc.
12pm Lunch
12:30 Baby Einstein Video
1pm play time, story time, etc.
1:30 put Grace down for her nap then put Mia down for her nap (by 2pm)

3pm Snack
Daddy's home at this time on most days
If we have Mia we just play, if Mia's not here we sometimes run errands at this time
5pm Dinner
6pm Bath, PJ's, Brush Teeth, Sing, Read Books, Pray, Bed

It's too hot right now to go outside and play (we live in South Florida) and there are tons of mosquito's in our yard so we are stuck indoors more now.  :P We use to go outside and play once a day and can't wait to do so again. :)
I am so in love with my husband and adore my precious Grace

Grace April 2006

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Re: What does your toddlers day look like?
« Reply #74 on: June 23, 2007, 20:23:36 pm »
Chris (now almost 18 mths) days look like that:

6:15-7:00 am -   wake
about 7:15 am  - bottle of cowmilk (soon out of a cup), wash/shower, dress
playtime or quick shopping (bakery around the corner)
9:30 am           - breakfast
more playtime or going out to playground or shopping or for a walk
11:30              - lunch
12:15              - nap for about 1-2 hours (Chris was a 30 min napper for almost 9 months, but seems that he now got through that :))
3:00 pm          - snack (usually fruits sometimes plus a small cracker)
more playtime, playground, outings etc
5:30-6:30 pm  - dinner
7:00 pm         - bottle of cowmilk (soon out of a cup - we are working on that one... - depending how much dinner he had sometimes a small bottle is enough)
7:30 pm         - bed with book, cuddles
7:45-8:00 pm - usually asleep