Now that we're consistently on one nap, thought I'd post our routine (thank goodness it's more predictable now!). LO is 16 months, and this has been our routine for 3-4 weeks now.
7:30/8: wake up
8:30 mommy gets Owen from crib
9:00 breakfast of waffles & cream cheese, fruit (he won't eat until he's been up a good hour)
9-11 play group, go to park, or other activities typically outside now that it's nice!
11:30 lunch (sandwich, fruit, crackers & cheese)
12:00/1:00 nap (depends on when woke up, how tired, etc.) Typically 2-2.5 hours.
2:30/3:30 up from nap play with babysitter
4:00 snack - (raisins, fruit&cereal bar, or crackers)
5:00 help mama make dinner, play by himself
6:00 dinner with family (protein, fruit, try to get him to eat a veg - usually refuses, more cheese & crackers to supplement)
6:30 bath, stories, bottle
7:30 lights out and night night!
NO MORE NIGHT WAKINGS!!!!!! This is a huge improvement for us! Yay for one nap territory!